J.J goes to work with daddy part 1

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J.J is 3 years old

Kenny is 8 years old

Oliver is 5 years old

At James house*

In the morning

James wakes up and then wake up Maya and hears arguing between Kenny and Oliver

Maya: what is that

James: it's Ollie and Kenny

Maya: I will wake up J.J  get him ready

James: okay

Maya gets out of bed and leaves the room and goes in J.Js room and James goes in the hallway

James: alright cut it out

Kenny: dad can you please tell Ollie to stay out of my stuff

Oliver: daddy he

James: Ollie stay out of his things and if I hear you went through his stuff your gonna get a spanking do you understand me

Oliver: yes

James: go and get ready for school please

Oliver: I don't want to go to school

James: get your ass dressed before I give you a spanking before school and Kenny your are older than your brother stop starting fights with him

Maya: Kenny you know better than that

James: Maya please

Kenny: why is she even talking to me

James: Kenny do you want me to smack you

Kenny: no

James: then watch your mouth

Kenny: I'm sorry dad

James: okay go and get ready for school please and grandpa is picking you up me and Mama have to work

Kenny: okay

James: boys you have twenty minutes

In the bathroom*

Maya: J.J in the tub now

J.J: no your a meanie

Maya: get your ass in the tub

James walks in the bathroom and Maya smacks J.J and J.J starts crying and hollering and screaming

James: what the fuck is wrong with you

Maya: he wasn't listening

James: you don't hit my son now get the fuck out I'll give him his bath

Maya: he's needs to be discipline

James: he's a baby and you don't hit him across the face like that  now get out

Maya leaves the bathroom

James: hey it's okay mommy is just having a bad morning let's get you in the tub

J.J: daddy me play with toys

James: yes of course

J.J: me yay

James picks up J.J and put him in the tube and start bathing him

Knock, knock

James: yes

Kenny walks in the bathroom

James: yes bud what's up

Kenny: dad I forgot to tell you this my teacher wants to speak to you

James: about what

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