Oliver's punishment

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At James house*

James: don't dad me where the fuck have you been

Oliver I'm sorry I lost track of time

James: oh okay that's makes it all better right

Oliver: no dad I'm really sorry

James: and your really grounded

Oliver: what dad no

James: what time did I time to be home

Oliver: by dinner time

James: and what time is dinner time

Oliver: 5 o'clock

James: and your almost three hours late why have you been

Oliver: I was at Nate's

James: you was at Nate's

Oliver: yes

James: your grounded for one week

Oliver: dad no

James: don't tell me no you know better to disobey me don't you now get your ass upstairs

Oliver walks pass his dad and his dad smacks his ass hard

Oliver: ow

James: upstairs now

Oliver: I have a thing tomorrow night you can't ground me please

James: you miss curfew and you didn't listen to me

Oliver: I'm so sorry it won't happen again

James: Oliver

Oliver: okay dad I'll do chores for a month

James: I'll think about it

Oliver: dad I'm really sorry

James: come and sit down

Oliver obeys his dad

James: here's your dinner

Oliver: thanks

James: I thought I can rely on you to be home when you are told

Oliver: dad

James: I'm speaking

Oliver: yes sir

James: here's what's gonna to happen your gonna get spanked before bedtime

Oliver: dad come on

James: no I have rules for a reason

Oliver mumbles something underneath his breath

James: what did you just say

Oliver: nothing dad

James: Ollie what did you just say

Oliver: I said too much rules

James: and that's why your getting the paddle

Oliver: no dad please

James: eat your food

Oliver: it's not fair

James: Ollie speak up

Oliver: I'm almost sixteen I should be able to stay out with my friends

James: I don't mind you staying out with your friends but you couldn't called to let me know you was staying a bit longer

Oliver: would you allow me to do that

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