relationships part 3

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Josiah starts crying and runs to his dad 

Eric: hey what's wrong 

Josiah: Jayden won't let me play 

Sammy: Jayden 

Jayden: yes 

Sammy: come here 

Jayden walks to his dad 

Sammy: why aren't you sharing your toys 

Jayden: I don't want to 

Sammy: then you don't play 

Jayden: noo 

Sammy: Josiah you can go play 

Jayden starts crying

James: Jayden don't start making noise 

Kenny: Pop-pop stop cheating 

EJ: your cheating

James: Jayden stop 

Jayden: I wanna play 

James: no now stop it 

Jayden continues to cry 

Oliver: okay dad here 

James: what's this 

Oliver: can you just sign it 

James: you got detention

Oliver: look it's not a big deal 

James: what happened 

Oliver: nothing 

James: Oliver

Oliver: okay I was talking in class in my defense the class was so boring

Kenny starts laughing 

James: Kenny mind your business and Oliver don't talk in class again I better not get anymore of theses do you understand

EJ: I won 

Kenny: no your fucking cheated 

James: Kenny watch your mouth

Kenny: he cheated

James: I don't care don't use that kind of language in this house 

Oliver starts laughing 

J.J walks out his room with his homework and gives it to his dad 

James: thank you 

J.J: your welcome can I play video games 

James: sure go ahead 

J.J: Travis you wanna play with me 

Travis: sure 

J.J: okay come on 

Travis and J.J goes to the living and play 2k 

Knock, knock 

Kenny: I'll get it 

James: okay 

Kenny opens the door and sees Riley and slaps him in the face 

Riley: you sick son of a bitch I know about Daniel 

Kenny: hey look we aren't dating we're just sleeping together

Riley: we're over 

Kenny: we never dated you crazy women 

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