Frankie fights J.J part 2

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In the car*

J.J: daddy

James: hush

Oliver: dad J.J is kicking my seat

James: just ignore him he wants my attention okay boy's seatbelt

J.J: daddy

James: alright let's go

J.J: daddy

Oliver: dad here

J.J: daddy

James: you can put it there um do you have your keys

J.J: daddy stop ignoring me

Oliver: yeah

James: okay J.J what

J.J: can you pick me up early today

James: why

J.J: because I don't want to stay the whole day

James: no

J.J: please daddy

James: I said no

Ten minutes later

James: okay we're here have a good day at school J.J stay for a second

Oliver: bye dad love you

James: love you too bud

Oliver leaves the car

James: I want to not get in trouble at school because you know my rule if you get in at school you get in trouble at home

J.J: yes daddy

James: I know you have issues with Frankie but do not start fighting if he put his hands on you, you hit him back understand

J.J: yes daddy

James: daddy is not gonna always be there and neither is Ollie so you have to defend yourself

J.J: okay

James: here's your phone

J.J: thank you

James: your welcome baby have a good day

J.J: bye daddy love you

James: love you too

J.J gets out the car and runs in the school

At Richmond high school*

At Oliver's locker*

Nate: hey man

Oliver: hey wassup

Nate: what did your dad say

Oliver: nothing because I didn't ask him

Nate: what are you waiting for

Oliver: my dad will murder me

Nate: no he won't

Oliver: my dad is very strict about certain things he spanked me a week ago because I didn't clean my room when he told me too and you think he will be okay with going to an underage bar

Nate: yeah

Oliver: your out of your mind

Nate: you can sneak out

Oliver: my grandfather is a cop he can easily trace my phone

Nate: man your lame

Oliver: because I don't want my ass whooped

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