Sonic comforts Shadow Fluff (platonic or romantic Sonadow)

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"AND WHAT ABOUT MARIA!? DID YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT HER!? ANSWER ME, SHADOW!" Rouge's yell echoed in the forest, a silence crept over everything. Shadow stared Rouge down, breath held, body stiff, hands balled into tight fists. Disbelief hung in the air, everyone knew that what was about to go down, would not be good. Even soon after, Rouge began to feel the uncomfortable feeling in herself. She let go of her breath and glanced at the others, who all had nervous expressions for what was about to happen next. Only Sonic held a similar expression to Shadow's, only more upset.

"I... could NEVER FORGET ABOUT MARIA!!" Shadow yelled in rage, his eyes burned guilt into Rouge. Shadow looked as if he had a million things he wanted to shout, but as he attempted to formulate any of them into coherent comebacks, he started to feel his eyes sting. He drew his breath, turned on his heel, and dashed away in a yellow blur. Sonic's breathing was deep, he quickly followed Shadow, but at the last moment, stopped, turned around and shook his head at Rouge, before continuing after Shadow.

"Shadow?" Sonic called out, peeking around corners and in between trees. He sighed, on the edge of admitting defeat, when he looked up.

Shadow sat curled up into a ball on the edge of one of the raised blocks of ground. Sonic caught his breath, realising he hadn't expected to actually find Shadow, and he didn't have a plan on how to approach him. Sonic jumped up the block, using a nearby palm tree to help him, and stood a little ways away behind Shadow, hoping he would notice his presence and say something rather than Sonic having to be the first to speak.

Unfortunately, Shadow stayed entirely still, looking like he wasn't even breathing, showing no signs of acknowledgement towards Sonic.

"Shadow...?" Sonic whispered, taking a step closer. Shadow's head lifted and Sonic heard him groan.

"What do you want, faker?" Shadow half-mumbled half-growled, turning his head to the side. Sonic awkwardly shifted his feet.

"I... I wanted to make sure you were ok..." Sonic rubbed the back of his neck, hoping Shadow would accept his help. Shadow's eyes narrowed as he glanced over his shoulder at Sonic.

"Yeah right, leave me alone," Shadow rolled his eyes and turned away again. Sonic's shoulders slumped but he gulped down his nerves, he silently walked up beside Shadow and sat down. Shadow had his eyes closed and didn't notice his movement.

"What— What did Rouge mean? Who was she talking about...? Who's... Maria?" Sonic cautiously asked, fiddling with his fingers, glancing at Shadow.

Shadow drew his breath as his eyes shot open and he glared at Sonic. He opened his mouth to shout something but decided to stuff it down instead, and he turned his head away. Sonic sat patiently waiting, hoping that Shadow was at least considering answering his questions. When Shadow didn't answer and rested his head on his knees, still turned away from Sonic, Sonic decided to fill the silence.

"I'm guessing she was special to you. Did she come from the arc? Like you? Because I know Rouge came from the arc as well so it'd explain how she would know about Maria but not us... Was she a human? Who exactly was she to you?" Sonic paused, hoping Shadow was listening. He glanced over and saw a thoughtful expression on Shadow's face as he had turned to face forward. Sonic looked down, thinking about what to say next, but before he could start on his next string of thoughts, Shadow spoke.

"Maria was... like a sister to me. She was a human, yes, the best kind of human." Sonic was taken aback by that answer, but decided to stay silent, in case it put Shadow off. Shadow sighed which made Sonic look back at him and noticed a lighter expression on Shadow's face. He seemed less angry and upset, but more sorrowful. "She was... everything, to me." Shadow gulped and moved his knees closer to himself. Sonic couldn't help but ask.

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