Sonic's Mistake (platonic Sonadow)

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Sonic ran as fast as he knew how to. He kept running and running; through the city, through the park, over the border, into the forest. Where was he running? Where would he end up? He didn't know, and he couldn't be bothered to think about it. If he got lost, it'd only be for the better. He'd screwed everything up again. Again! How had he let this happen!? He was supposed to be Sonic The Hedgehog, the hero everyone looked to, and yet here he was again, at fault of the city crumbling down, literally. He didn't realise what was happening before it was too late; he'd almost gotten himself killed! Shadow had dragged him out of the way to the rest of the group before the building toppled right on top of Sonic, but Sonic's heart plummeted so far into his gut that he wished he had been under the building. His friends desperately made a plan to fix Sonic's mistake, and Sonic wanted to help, to remedy what damage he had just caused, but...

"Guys— Wait, listen to me, I didn't mean for that to happen! You know I didn't! I— I'm really sorry, can I at least help—"

"Sonic." Amy drew her breath, her fists shaking as she tried to keep her composure. Her eyes shot open and she stomped over to Sonic. "Just... stay. To the side, for once. Okay?" She was breathing deeply as she did her best not to start yelling but Sonic almost wished she had just yelled. His heart, from where it was in his gut, ached with pain. He wordlessly tried to open his mouth to speak but Amy shook her head in disapproval and whipped around back to the others before Sonic could say anything. "C'mon guys, let's go." Amy stormed through the group and they parted for her.

They shared some glances before throwing Sonic saddened looks. They didn't want to take sides, but right now, it was more important to save the people in the city. Tails desperately looked between Amy and Sonic, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to comfort Sonic, knowing that he would be hurting, but he knew he had to help his friends in saving the city. Before he had the chance to attempt to talk to Sonic, Knuckles came up to him and dragged him away. Tails didn't bother trying to resist, knowing Knuckles wouldn't let go. He helplessly looked at Sonic and their eyes met. Tails tried his best to tell Sonic through his eyes that things would be okay like Sonic always told him, but before he even finished the thought, Sonic's eyes welled up with tears Tails had rarely ever seen and he dashed off to nowhere. Tails caught his breath as he tried to see where he had gone but he knew it was pointless. He looked to his friends, who were all too focused on getting down to the ground, and then back to where Sonic had been.

That's when he noticed Shadow. Shadow stared in the direction Sonic had run off in but quickly felt someone looking at him. He turned and saw Tails. He had desperate eyes and a pleading look Shadow couldn't ignore. He drew his breath and groaned as he realised he would have to run after Sonic; he hated that the tearful look Tails had affected him.

Sonic kept running and running as Amy's words rang in his ears. He really didn't mean for that to happen. Of course, he didn't mean it. He tried to keep his crying to just tears, but as he ran further and further into the forest, straying off the path, the ground grew more uneven and the trees grew thicker and suddenly—

"AHH!" Sonic found himself flying through the air before crashing into the leaves and mud on the ground. Everything seemed to go quiet. The flickies stopped singing, the wind stopped whistling, and even Sonic's rushing thoughts became deathly quiet. He tried to push himself off of the ground, but his arms wobbled and he dropped his head against the dirt again. He bit his lip and tears welled in his eyes again, and before he knew it, he started to sob. Curling up into a ball, on the muddy forest floor, he cried and cried and cried. No idea where he was, what was happening, or if his friends were ok. He cried without trying to suppress any emotions until the silence around him was broken.

His ears twitched at the sound of leaves being thrown in the air and twigs being snapped, and he quickly sat up, frantically wiping away the tears from his face, panicking at what was causing the sounds. He had thought he was alone.

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