Part 2 of a comic (very much romantic Sonadow)

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Shadow woke up with a start, breathing deeply. Things were still dark, no light came through his curtains. He groaned and held his head for a moment with his eyes closed, before glancing over to his alarm clock to see the time. Four-thirty-four in the morning. No wonder there was no light coming in from his window. Shadow sighed and slowly got out of bed. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Putting on his gloves and shoes, Shadow looked himself in the mirror. He grimaced at the view of himself. He couldn't believe he'd dreamt of his feelings for Sonic.

I guess if I've spent all my time shoving the feelings away, they're gonna start coming out in other ways... Shadow thought and his shoulders slumped. He shook his head and made his way out the door.

Shadow ran around Hedgehog's Pass. He ran and ran until the sun came up a sliver and his breathing grew sharp and painful. From making stops just because he felt like looking around, to making stops every few minutes because his breath couldn't keep up.

Sonic looked at this for ten minutes before deciding to do anything. He had come to Hedgehog's Pass at around 8:10 and had planned to run around, but then he saw Shadow— grumpy Shadow —already running around. Sonic realised he didn't know how to approach Shadow since he was constantly running. So he decided to wait until Shadow stopped for a rest near him. He didn't have to wait long as Shadow came round once more— but Shadow didn't stop for a rest.

Shadow, with his constant running for the past hours, had ended up kicking up the dirt and rocks nearby, creating many tripping hazards. Shadow was going so fast that by the time he saw the rocks, he wasn't able to stop himself in time or swerve around them.

"ARGHHH!!" Shadow flew forward and right into a wall. He landed upside down with his feet resting up against the wall. "Ughhh..." Shadow groaned as his head spun. Sonic panicked and jumped down, running over to Shadow, who still had his eyes closed.

"Shadow?" Sonic asked cautiously.

"AH!" Shadow panicked and quickly rolled over and sprung up, ready to fight. Sonic held his hands in the air.

"Woah there, just came over to ask whether you were ok." Shadow stared at him in disbelief, when suddenly the image of Sonic from his dream flashed across his vision. He shoved his surprise down and rested his hands.

"I'm fine," Shadow looked away. Sonic was taken aback by his answer, but before he could ask Shadow about it, he was off. Sonic ran after him.

"What are you doing here?" Sonic asked when he caught up to Shadow.

"I could ask you the same question," Shadow avoided Sonic's eyes.

"Well, I came to run off some feelings," Sonic answered quickly, hoping his answer would prompt Shadow's. Shadow glanced at Sonic.

"Hm," Was Shadow's response. Sonic blinked at him.

"What? Did you come to do the same?"

"Why's it matter to you?" Shadow continued to brush off his questions, preferring not to reveal himself.

"Well, you're my friend! I wanna know what's up, you seem more grumpy than usual," Sonic said lightly. Shadow stared forward in thought.


Shadow turned his head to Sonic and slowed down his run to a stop. Sonic did the same out of curiosity to finally some reaction from Shadow. Shadow stood still, inspecting Sonic with a light expression.

"Friend." Shadow repeated the thought in his mind. Sonic glanced to the side.

"Uh, yeah? What, do you still think of us as enemies after all that happened?" Sonic's shoulders slumped and he put his hand on his hip. Shadow continued to stare at Sonic. Eventually, he sighed.

"You're an idiot..." He crossed his arms and looked away, shaking his head. Sonic scoffed before he noticed Shadow's expression. Shadow looked tired, and he seemed to have relaxed since Sonic had started talking to him.

"How... how long have you been running around?" Sonic asked what he'd wanted to know since he saw Shadow when he had arrived.

"I don't know, maybe an hour, I don't know the time now," Shadow replied blankly, but Sonic still got excited; it was an actual answer! Shadow hadn't ignored his question.

"I left at ten past eight," Sonic commented and Shadow quickly sparked up.

"Oh, four hours then," Shadow said under his breath.

"Four hours!? Wow, those must be some feelings you're running off," Sonic laughed, thinking his joke was hilarious, while Shadow panicked, thinking Sonic had seen past his poker faces. "No but seriously, why have you been here since four?" Sonic followed up. Shadow peered at Sonic suspiciously before avoiding his eyes again.

"I... I was running off feelings..." Shadow mumbled. Sonic caught his breath.

"Wait, seriously? I was actually starting to think that you weren't able to feel anything other than angsty," Sonic replied, still attempting to joke. Shadow only felt worse. He looked down and Sonic noticed his faltering mask. Sonic stared at Shadow with slight disbelief.

Did— did I just upset him? That doesn't look like his grumpy face... Is that what he looks like when he's upset?

"I— I didn't mean that in a bad way, it's just, barely anyone sees you with any expression other than grumpy... sorry, that was a bad joke..." Sonic said awkwardly, not sure how to apologise to Shadow. Shadow blinked away his thoughts and stared at the ground.

What does that mean? He looked up at Sonic, and when he saw his slightly concerned expression, Shadow understood that he had forgotten to hide his hurt. He felt his face warm up with embarrassment.

"It— It doesn't matter, I don't care." Shadow quickly turned around, hoping to be able to run away. He had now let Sonic see him upset and embarrassed. Sonic panicked, realising Shadow was going to run away from him.

"Wait!" Sonic quickly ran up to Shadow and took his hand. Shadow caught his breath and his eyes went wide. Sonic's touch on his hand was something he only dreamt of, literally. He turned around and found Sonic at a loss for words. They both looked down at their hands and back at each other.

"Uh— Sorry, just— just didn't want you to leave yet..." Sonic quickly let go of Shadow's hand, rubbing the back of his neck, but Shadow's hand stayed in the air, frozen with shock. The silence built up into tension between them as Shadow stayed frozen, staring at Sonic, and Sonic couldn't drop their gaze. Eventually, Shadow gulped and lowered his hand. Shadow glanced to the side feeling the tension squeeze his heart.

"I uhm— I uhm..." Sonic couldn't even remember what he had wanted to ask Shadow. "Do— Do you wanna race?" Sonic suggested. Shadow let go of his breath and rolled his eyes.

"Because you still don't believe that I'm faster than you?" Shadow turned on his heel, and knelt down into a starting position.

"No, I just wanna give you a chance to beat me, since I haven't had a warm-up," Sonic said smugly and got into the same position. "First one to the loop-ti-loop! THREETWOONEGO!" Sonic yelled before Shadow had the chance to answer him and he shot off.

"Tch," And Shadow ran after him.

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