Sonic Comes Back Home (romantic Sonadow)

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Shadow stood silently with his arms crossed, tapping his foot, slightly separated from Amy, Tails, Rouge, and Knuckles. They were waiting at the airport for Sonic to arrive back from his solo tour around the world; with each minute their patience waned, but especially Shadow's. It had been six months since Sonic left, and a whole month since any of them had been able to properly talk to Sonic for more than a minute. He kept explaining that things were moving so quickly, even for him, that he had to just keep going from one event to the next with barely any time to himself, but he said he was having fun. Though Sonic had texted Shadow separately from the group chat, and told him he was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home.

Shadow would have preferred to join Sonic than let him go alone, but Sonic told him that he wanted to go solo just to learn how it was done so then later, they could all go together without any problems. In truth, Shadow was afraid that their relationship wouldn't survive the long distance and time frame, but he didn't tell Sonic that; he decided to treat it like a test of their relationship. But now, he didn't know how he was supposed to act. He hadn't made a big deal of him leaving so surely him coming back shouldn't be any different, but Shadow hadn't anticipated missing Sonic so much. He felt like there were things being expected of him, but he didn't know what.

The others noticed how quiet Shadow had been and shared a few glances before Amy decided to speak up.

"Shadow, is everything ok?" She asked him, placing her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. Shadow perked up, he hesitated to answer but eventually sighed.

"I'm fine. Just... nervous, I suppose." Shadow looked away from the group, shifting his weight onto his other foot. Amy looked back at Rouge who pursed her lips.

"Nervous?" Rouge repeated with a disbelieving expression. Shadow's shoulders dropped as he narrowed his eyes at her. He groaned as he let his arms drop to his sides, balling his hands up into fists.

"Yes, nervous. I'm afraid that it's going to be awkward between him and me after such a long time of not seeing each other..." Shadow trailed off. He hated to imagine things going wrong between him and Sonic. Regardless of how normal Sonic's texts had been and all the reassuring he had done before he left, Shadow still had spent the majority of the time alone in their house just stressing. To lose what we had... Knuckles scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're overthinking it. Sonic isn't going to let any of us get a word in before he squeezes the air out of us." Knuckles smirked as Tails laughed. Shadow caught his breath and looked at him.

"Yeah, Shadow, I wouldn't worry about what to say or do, it'll come with the moment." Tails gave Shadow a reassuring smile and Shadow looked away, though he appreciated the assurance.

"We need to be ready! He could come out of those doors at any second!" Amy exclaimed, refocusing the group's attention on the doors. Shadow placed his hand on his hip as the others continued to talk about plans to hang out after meeting Sonic. Shadow didn't want to break it to them that Sonic had already told him all about his own plans to sleep on their couch for eighteen hours straight when he got home. The doors kept opening and closing as small groups of people walked out; individuals, families, friends, and also some flight attendants. They didn't think much of it when the doors opened once more but then! They saw the distinct blue blur zip through and before any of them even had the time to register it—

"GUYS!!" Sonic ran straight up to his friends and crashed right into them, pulling them into a giant group hug.

"SONIC!!" They shouted and laughed as they hugged Sonic back. Shadow groaned quietly at being squished uncomfortably, but didn't try to wriggle out.

"Welcome back, Sonic!" Tails excitedly hugged Sonic tighter and Sonic chuckled.

"It feels good to be home, buddy!" Sonic used one of his hands to rough up Tail's fur on his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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