Chapter 3

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Not my pic. This is Will's car.

Will pov
I have to admit, I was curious. So when he told me to shut up and listen, I did.

"Ok, get your coffee ready. This is going to be long."
I raise an eyebrow, curious. He sighs. " Ok, remember, tell anyone, you die."
I smile at this.
"First off, Hazel is my step-sister. Hades, my dad, cheated on my mom. My mom died. Hades blames me. A few weeks ago, I told him I was gay. That was the last straw. He kicked me out, so I sneak in and sleep there when I can. Other times, I sleep on the streets like you saw me doing. The End. Now bye."
My jaw was on the floor. He was gay? My heart sped up for no reason at all. 

I felt for him. He didn't look like he had gone through much, but I knew a thing or two about hiding things to look okay to others.

I realized he had stood up to go. I quickly jumped up and said, " Wait." 
He looked to me and raised an eyebrow "What? I'll see you at school tomorrow." Then, as an afterthought he added" Tell Hazel, you....push up the daisies."

He moves to go out, but I catch his wrist. He winces slightly, then scowls " Do you need something Solace?"

I say without thinking" You can come stay with me, it's late, and its not healthy to sleep outside, especially in this weather. My mom wouldn't mind."
I let go of his wrist and give him puppy-dog eyes. He seems suspicious.

 "Fine. But first, why? Why give me the food, take care of my scratches, let me sleep at your house?" He says. 
I think about this. My mom raised me to help others, but this seemed different. It felt like I was being pulled to Nico. He just seemed so interesting. I know I can't tell him this though. First of all, that's embarrassing, second, he'd probably murder me for thinking I'm stalking him or something. I decide to go with the safe answer.

"My mom taught me to be kind. I take that seriously." I say, hoping that'll be enough for him.
He still seems suspicious, but less now.
I say" Come on, only tonight, if you want to. Do you have a job?"
He shakes his head. "I'm barely going to be able to pay for this last semester of high school. I had some money saved, but I don't have enough for breakfast and dinner, that's why I ate so much." He seems embarrassed by this. "Sorry. Anyway, I'm waiting 'till I graduate so I can get a job. Better chances."

My mind is reeling. I can probably get him a job here, I got this job before I have graduated, and they accepted me.
"I can get you a job" I hear myself say. " You can stay at my house 'till you get back on you're feet, my mom won't ask questions."
He looks at me, face void of emotion, but slightly hopeful eyes searching my face. " She won't?"

"Nope. If she does, I can twist the truth if you want."
He nods, saying " I don't care if your mom and sibling know, but NO one can say anything to anyone else, okay? Especially to Hazel and the Seven. They are family, and they will overreact." He nods again, as if confirming something in his head. " Only a week or two, max. Thanks."

Nico pov
TW :Mention of self harm.

He grins, and says overly enthusiastically," Great! Let me finish cleaning, and then we can go."

I nod and sit back at the booth. My scars on my wrist ached from where Will grabbed it. They weren't that fresh, I had cut like a week and a half ago, when the stress of sleeping on the streets and passing school had caught up to me. It wasn't my first time, and it probably wouldn't be my last. It didn't help that I was gay, raised by a homophobic father.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Normally, I wouldn't show myself this vulnerable in front of other people, but I felt I could trust Will, but some weird reason. I hear him clattering around, then the noise stops and I open my eyes. He's standing a few feet away, looking like he got caught stealing cookies when he sees I noticed him. He blushes, and clears his throat and says "I'm done cleaning. You wanna go now?"

I nod, and stand up awkwardly. He notices and chuckles, then he grabs his backpack and walks out the door. I follow him out, and walk behind him to his car. I observe it as he fumbles around for the keys. The car is old, like a '70 car. It's a soft yellow pickup truck, and looks kind of hippie. ( A/N Look at the picture at the top. That car is soo pretty. Anyway, Will's truck.)
It kind of looks like he would look as a car. Bright, sunny, and soft. No, I mean, too bright, and ... stuff. Yeah.

Will pov

The ride home was quiet. The expression on Nico's face was funny when he heard the country music I was playing. He definitely isn't a fan.

The house was quiet, as I knew it was going to be, since everybody would be asleep by now. My mom would probably want to be woken up, so I told Nico to wait in the living room. I knocked on my moms door, and then I opened the door, knowing that the light knock would probably not wake her. I shock her lightly until she woke up.
She blinked to get the sleep out of her eyes and asked,  " What's wrong Will?"

Normally I don't wake her up, I leave her a note to say good morning in case I don't get to see her in the morning. 

I smile and say "A friend is staying over tonight. Just thought you would want to know." She nodded and said " Of course, tell them they're welcome anytime." 
"Thanks, I will Mom. I'll tell you more tomorrow. G'night " I kiss her cheek and leave the room. I wonder what Nico has been doing, and I go down the stairs to find him on the couch, passed out.

Nico pov (Before He passed out)

I sit awkwardly on the couch while Will goes up the stairs. My eyes wander over the framed pictures of a smiling Will(god, how much does this kid do that?) with his tan skin, curly blond hair and bright blue eyes, a girl that looks a bit younger than Will with brownish skin and a weird variety of dyed hair in all of the pictures. Also, a woman who looks a bit like Will, with blond hair streaked with gray stands, and bright green eyes. I wonder where he got the blue eyes from. Probably Will's dad, although there were zero pictures of him. 

I rest my head in my hand, putting my elbow on the arm rest by the edge of the couch. I can feel myself nodding off, but I'm too tired to fight it off.


I jerk awake, my face 10 inches away from Will's. He jumps back 10 feet, apologizing a mile a minute.

"Solace calm down." I say, raising my eyebrow. His face is pink, and he sputters out, "Sorry, I was trying to wake you up to come to my room." I see by the clock on the wall that its 12:00, I slept about 15 minutes. I grab my backpack from where it is on the floor and stand up.
"Lead the way then."
He finally calms down and shoots me a grin. "If you don't have a toothbrush or anything, I have extras, my sister Kayla's best friend, Austin, always comes over. That's Kay." He points to the dark skinned girl in the photo." She's my adopted sister, but she's been here forever, so she's practically my sister. You probably have's seen her, she's like 2 grades behind us."

"Yeah, I remember seeing her with you after school."
I want to ask him about his dad, but I don't know if that would be too rude. Actually, fuck that, I'm curious." Soooo you know practically everything about me, what's your story?"
He smiles cockily, like 'wouldn't you like to know' and says" Oh, you know, my mom had me and then adopted my sister."

I roll my eyes " And the tea about your dad? You know about my shitty one, what about your dad?"

"Meh, you know, the usual. He got her pregnant and then left because, like yours, he's a shitty dad. I met him once, chance meeting when I was young. Didn't like it. Don't need him. After, my mom adopted Kayla, and we're here now."

He stops in front of a door that's painted bright yellow and has a smiley sun sticker in front of it.

Great. More bright colors.

Okay, I was going to update more, but I'm wayyy too tired, next update will probably be in 1 or two days. Bye guys.


Sunshine and Lollipops- Solangelo Mortal AUWhere stories live. Discover now