Chapter 13

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Nico Pov

I gave him a smile and muttered, "If you want to. Don't-... I-"

I just couldn't seem to find the words. I wanted to thank him, but what if he didn't want to? What if he felt obligated?

I sighed. "Just... Don't if you just feel sorry for me. I- Yeah."

Will shakes his head and grins. "Nope. I want to."

I give him a smile. His face lights up and he says like an announcer for a safari, "And there it is- another rare smile from Nico Di Angelo, only given about once every two days. You better feel lucky folks!"

I snort and roll my eyes. Will grins at me and says, "I think we should have a day out." I stop. What if we see Hazel or anyone in the group?

"Nico?" Will says with concern, "We don't have to if- "

"No, it's fine. I'm okay." Will still looks unconvinced. I sigh, "I was just worried- what if we saw anyone?"

I don't have to specify for him. He shakes his head. "I'll be on the lookout! Scouts... Honor? Is that what they say?" Will says, putting his right hand up in a pledge.

"Plus," He continues, "Everyone would be in school. We," He gestures to himself and me, "Would not!"

I gave him a ghost of a smile, "You mean will."

He grins and pumps his fist into the air, cheering. I wave at him to quiet down and ask,  "Breakfast here first, right?"

Will thinks for a moment, then his face brightens, "I have a better idea! We can go to my second favorite café!"

I raise an eyebrow, "Second favorite?"

Will nods. "The Hearth. The lady that works there is super nice, and her daughter is so sweet too." My stomach does a weird flip when I hear this. Will takes a deep breath to continue.
 "Plus the food is delicious. Almost better than the Pumpkin Spice Café. Almost. Not reeally. Anyway, off track. Sometimes I go for breakfast in the morning, so she knows me. We should definitely go."

I nod slowly, taking it in. I know that lady. Her name is Rhea, and she has mentioned running a café, but I didn't ask the name. She also told me she has a daughter, but she didn't tell me much else.

"Sure, that sounds fine."
Will creases his eyebrows, "Unless you want to go somewhere else? I don't care where we go, I just though that maybe-"

"Yes, Solace, The Hearth is fine."

Will smiles, "Great then! Let me change and we can go." He looks down at my clothes, "Are you going like that? Did.... did you sleep in those jeans?" He says, disbelievingly.

I look down  to my clothes and shrug, "Yeah. I haven't washed my pj's yet. Jeans are kind of comfy though." Will shudders, and I roll my eyes. "Drama Queen, "I mutter.

Will grins "I know, I'm such," here, Will waves his hand, "A Queen, thank you for noticing."

I snort. "You are the literal opposite of a queen."

"Oh, so a King?" Will smirks. I sigh, exasperated.

"Let's just get ready."

Will Pov

I finished my outfit of the day just as Nico was coming out of the bathroom. He still had on what he slept in *shudder* but he added a few touches that were his. Nico had put in his ear and nose piercings in, and a ring on his middle finger that I hadn't seen before. It was silver, with a black, silver, and white skull on it.  I smile at it. He has everything just to his taste.

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