Chapter 4

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A/N I have no idea why I chose this bed for Will. Sue me fuckers. 
Nico pov

I step into the room and raise my eyebrows. The room is pretty big, enough to fit two beds comfortably, if he had them. Instead, he had a big bookshelf filled to the brim, and a desk on the other side of the humongous bed, cluttered with homework and candy wrappers. That was the only messy thing in the room. The bed was absolutely monstrous, with a big gray comforter, and soft yellow and white pillows. And they all had smiley faces. And they call me weird.

"You sleep in the bed with me." Will says, " You can't sleep on the floor, and my mom will be suspicious if she notices somebody slept on the couch. We all have big beds, so when anybody sleeps over, they sleep on the beds."
I nod awkwardly and look around to see if there's a bathroom to change. Will notices and says
"There's a bathroom across the hall. There are extra toothpastes and toothbrushes under the sink, yellow toothbrush is mine, green is my sisters, and blue is my moms." I nod again and mutter a thanks. Gods, kill me now.

I walk across the hall and change into my black pj pants, normally I slept shirtless but it would be awkward around Will, so I slipped on a clean shirt instead. I sigh as I look under the sink and find bright, colorful toothbrushes. I grab the darkest one I can find, which is a dark purple. This would suit Hazel better.  

I think about Hazel while I brush my teeth. She would freak out if she knew I was homeless. She's staying with her boyfriend, Frank Zhang. Some people might think they are too young to be living together, but fuck the party poopers. Better with Frank than with Hades. I didn't want Hazel to have more interaction than needed.
Actually, I didn't want her to interact with him at all, but she would ask why, and I didn't want to tell her that he kicked me out. But I knew I was going to have to tell her soon, what if she went to see me at the house? Dad would then tell her 1, that he kicked me out and that I am homeless, and 2, that I'm gay, which is why he kicked me out.

I've been in the bathroom too long, so I stuff everything into my backpack and walk out into the hallway. I see Will passed out on one side of the bed. Thank the gods. I had no idea what to say. I go to the other side of the bed and lay down.

Will pov

I see Nico stalk off into the bathroom and quietly close the door. He seems quiet, thinking. I change clothes, ready to cover myself if Nico comes in, but he doesn't. Phew. That would have been so awkward. (A/N Why did I even put this? I have no idea.)
I'm too tired to wait for him to come out so I can brush my teeth, so I lay down, thinking about how peaceful Nico looked when he closed his eyes in the Café, also, when he was asleep in the living room. This is the first time I really think about Nico. He's like a foot shorter than me, but then again, I'm tall. So he's slightly shorter than average. He has pale olive skin, and black hair that looks so soft, that I just want to ruffle it and look at his feather like hair, poofing up. (A/N Why the heck does my computer say poofing isn't a word? I'm 99.99999% sure it is.)

The last thing I hear before falling asleep is Nico coming in.

Nico pov

I've been tossing and turning, too afraid to go to sleep, because I know the nightmares will come again. Finally, I fall asleep, dreading what will come, as every night I do.

I go behind Bia, unseen, a ghost. She is coming out of the toy store, clutching a small figurine that I recognize from one of my favorite games. Bianca went to get that toy. For me.

She walks along the sidewalk, skipping merrily, as though everything was right in the world. She turns into our street and I see my younger self coming out to meet her in the road. I thank her a million times and hug her.  A truck comes barreling into the road. I, on the sidelines, can't move as I see with a sickening crunch as the car hits Bianca. I sob and scream at my younger self, who was too stupid to call an ambulance. It was too late anyways. The ambulance the neighbors had called, took a dead body.

I wake up shivering and sweaty. My cheeks are wet with tears. My eyes roam the unfamiliar room and I remember where I am. I see Will, who is to the side of me, looking at me with concern in his eyes. He had turned on the bedside lamp.
"Are you ok?" Then, realizing how dumb he sounded with tears still fresh on my cheeks, he added," Nightmare? I get those a lot. What was it about?" And then seeing my expression,
 " It helps to talk." I sighed, and then shrugged. "Tell me yours and I'll maybe tell you mine."
He tries to divert and says " You want to know about my lollipops and clouds dreams?" He chuckles.

"I don't and you know it. What are your nightmares about?"
He sighs. "Fine. But you have to tell me yours, ok? It'll be better for you." 

I raise my eyebrow and say" You're the one who didn't want to tell me his. Practice what you preach, sir."
He rolls his eyes and starts.

" I had a brother. Michael. He fell out of a treehouse, and punctured his lungs. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed with him while my mom got the ambulance. He didn't make it. I always have the same nightmare about him dying in my arms, while I couldn't do anything. That's why I want to be a doctor. So, if anything happens to anyone else near me, I can actually help this time." He glances at me, he's been staring at a smiley face on the comforter. " Now your turn." He says.

Will pov

I felt as if I told my whole life story to him, he now knew more about me than anyone else except my mom and Kayla. Kayla had never met Michael. We adopted her after he died. I was really young when he died, maybe that's why it was worse.

" I had another sister. She was my biological sister." Nico begins." I told you about my mom, but it was my fault Bianca died too. I wanted this toy, and she got it for me as a surprise. A drunk driver hit her while we were in the middle of the road. She saved me by pushing me. She died a few minutes later. Ambulance was too late." He said.

I can understand that, at least. He saw her die in front of him. He had experienced two deaths, not one, like me. At least I still had my mom. Without her, I'd be lost.

"What happened to your mom? " I asked as gently as I could. I knew this was probably very sensitive, and he wouldn't tell just like that.
Nico shivers and shakes his head. "Not right now."
I nod and gingerly put my arms around him and hug him. I can tell he doesn't like to be touched by the way he stiffens up. But then he relaxes and pats my head. "Thanks Solace. Sorry about your brother."

I nod and say " I can relate. Let's sleep now, or we'll get up late for school."

We lie back down in our respective spaces and fall asleep, as I still feel his warmth enveloped in my chest, and the weight of his hand patting my head.

Bye, hope you like this
Ps, I changed Bianca's death a little so.... go back and read if you haven't.

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