Chapter 11

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Nico Pov
(TW-Mention of Self-Harm)

I wondered if I should tell him about my cutting. I had thought about not doing it again, frequently, but I could never convince myself. I shake my head and clear my throat.

"Anyway," I say, as Will pauses his old people show and turns to me, " I never answered you. I can make a design for you. Any specific things?"

His face lights up and I have to fight a smile. " Nope! Surprise me. Try not to make it about death though."

I roll my eyes. "I would never do that." Then I stop and think. I definitely would. "I mean... I would never give somebody else something about death. Death is my style. Apparently, nobody else likes death and skulls."

Will rolls his eyes playfully, "I can't imagine why." He says sarcastically.

I shrug "I have no idea." I say seriously.

Will chuckles and points to my notebook. "Any good ideas for tattoos there?"

I think about all the ones I did in memory of Bia and Mama. Those he wouldn't like. Too gloomy for him, I guess. I only have a few sunshiny-y ones, so I open my notebook to show those to him.

I flip to the few pages where the cheerfull (or at least not death-vibes) ones are.

There are flowers, a duck holding a knife (Will cracks up seeing this one), and a series of tattoos I was working on, for the Zodiac signs.

Will looks through some, then asks "Do you have Virgo yet?"(A/N Me and Will have the same sign. Ahhhhhhhhh :D)

I nod and flip to that page. The first ones I made were January, March, and September. Me Bianca, and Mama (A/N Ofc I needed Maria to be my month twin-sie. Why tf not?). I started making November for Hades, but stopped. I would do it eventually, because I can't just leave it out, but there's no rush to make Scorpio. Never is.

Will pov

I love his drawings. They're so realistic, its crazy. He had a full page for some of the signs, like Virgo. On that page was a beautiful woman, the constellation,  the morning glory, and mercury. Also the glyph, which is like a weird looking M thing.

I smile, and say, "These are really good" 

Nico shakes his head like clearing his thoughts, and replies, " They're not that good. I still have a long way to go."

I shake my head and mutter "You just can't accept the compliment, can you?"
Nico blushes and my stomach does a acrobatic flip.

I wonder-. NO.

I smile and say, "I'm finishing up on my homework now.", Turning to  the 3 pages I have left.

Nico groans and turns to his 5 pages.

I chuckle "I told you to do at least some homework at lunch. You need to manage your time, Death Boy."

Nico glowers at me while laying flat on the floor. I snort and finish another page of homework. "You'd better get to it!" I say cheerfully.

Nico flips me off and sits up with a grunt. I roll my eyes and start on my last page.

He gives a loud sigh and starts doing his homework. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He's going through the pages pretty fast, and when one has him stumped he bites the edge of his plump pink lips. Wait- what?

When he come's to the homework for art, he actually stops and thinks. I guess he just pays more attention to Art, so he can pass.

I look over to his page. The question for that page is 'Draw one thing you dislike, and another you do like.'.

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