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it is true that I have no idea what I want from this life
and it is true that I don't love my job
but I don't not love it
whenever I think about leaving
I choke

I might still have at least 10 months with you
but I keep thinking
if only there was a way to stay
if only I could find something for myself with you
if only
if only...
as if I could somehow trick myself into believing that what you do isn't what you do
and what I want isn't what I want


you might have not seen me smile once
and you probably haven't said more than hi to me in passing
and I might not have stayed out later when I could have
but you do not know that my little heart of a romantic
who somehow
instead of a library
ended up in an IT company
loves you to pieces
you don't know that my loneliness cherishes every laugh
every minute spent together

I am not always and have never really been the most outgoing person
but you have been to me
and if only I had the words to tell you what that's been like
how it has forced me to take those steps towards the person I have always wanted to be
you changed me over-night
it often feels like
and gave me everything I never believed I could have as my own

and if I do end up leaving
this is what I can give you
these words are what I would leave you with in hopes that they account for all the times you asked me how it's going and I didn't ask you back because I haven't been able to since that one time when I was a kid
and I asked for help
and there was none
and all the times I didn't say goodbye on my way out of the office because the act of doing so made me so anxious I could puke

because I don't ever mean it
I don't ever want to make you feel like I'm hunting for that first opportunity to pounce when all I've ever wanted is for you to be proud of me
I want to do good
whatever you might ask of me
and I hope I have lived up to it
I hope it shows in how you perceive me
what these last two years with you have been to me

I don't think it to be too brave to say it has been everything
I wanted to be someone else when I left home
someone braver
more confident
and it wasn't the new city
or the new school
or the new apartment that gave that to me
it was you

you sold my childhood home in 22 (journal part II)Where stories live. Discover now