Chapter 4:

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Tommys pov:

Everyone was talking, catching up. I wasn't listening too much cause it was mostly stuff I already had heard. I was leaning on Y/n's grave, looking into the star-filled sky. Since DreamXD had kidnapped her real body we couldn't have a proper funeral but she deserved more than this. I can only imagine what that psychopath was doing with her body. I looked up at everyone, over time more people had arrived. There was this one person though that I had never seen before. They were tall, like... super tall. Not to mention they are black and white and wear a crown... just like Technoblade. I sighed as I listened in to all of their chatter. Everyone looked so happy, talking... drinking... laughing. How could some people be so happy like this? The world is ending, Y/n is dead alongside with Wilbur and Schlatt, and DreamXD is going feral, it can't get any worse than this... Actually- aw fuck I'm gonna regret saying that later, aren't I...

"Niki, how have things been for you?" Tubbo asked, noticing Niki's strange silence. 

"Has anyone heard anything of Quackity ever since Schlatt died?" George interrupted. "Not that I know of, I'm sure he's just fine. I heard him talking nonsense not too long ago about starting some country... he needs therapy" Tubbo said as he fiddled with his fingers. "What about Technoblade?" Niki asked, finally starting to get comfortable with all the people around. "Isolated himself again. He's still grieving I believe" Sapnap said as he took another sip of alcohol.
I frowned and looked back up into the sky, the stars were twinkling, and even some shooting stars. They twinkled and glimmered as they pained the ominous sky in beautiful colors. Moments like these were a gift to all, a glimmer of hope in this cruel and twisted world.

"What are we even doing at this point?" Niki said, raising her voice.

Everyone looked at her in shock, seeing as how she A: never raises her voice and B: had been silent this whole time. "For all we know, Y/n could be up there. Surely we plan to do something right?!" She finished, fuming. Everyone was dead silent, there were no words of comfort for what was happening. "Niki..." Tubbo said, his voice hitching as he looked to the floor. "She's gone." 

Niki's blue eyes glistened before grabbing her cloak and leaving the pit. Everyone just stood in awkward silence for a few minutes. I couldn't stand this, none of this. ANY of this. "She isn't wrong," I said. "We can't keep dawdling around here like circus animals. Y/n is alive, or at least... her spirit is." 

"I don't give a shit what you-"




My head turned to see... him. Dream. Looking at us with that goddamn mask. He looked pretty beat up but it seemed like his ego was still present. "You guys going up against a god? Count me in" He said, amused. Everyone drew their weapons, a hostile glare in the eyes of many. Sapnap and George just stood there, not knowing what to do. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa," Dream said, raising his hands nonchalantly. "I mean no harm."

"Yeah I'm sure you're enjoying this bullshit" Karl snapped. "Shut your mouth" He snapped. "You wanna take down a god right?" I didn't know how to feel. "You... where have you ever been? We've been fighting wars and saving people, where have you been? Have you become that lovesick?" I spat. Dream began to giggle before laughing, "Correct."

"Asshole!" Tubbo hissed. 

"ENOUGH" Dream yelled. Seems his ego was unstable. Poor man, even a mere insult was too much for his dainty pride. "I'm gonna kill DreamXD and I'm gonna need some help. Now do you plan on helping me or just sit around and cry" He said, his impatience getting the best of him. Now that I got a closer look at him, he looked even more battered up than I thought. His mask was stained with old blood and his hair had grown out. His clothes looked like it was crying and he looked both strong and weak.

"Just... fuck off man, we're celebrating," George said, looking both guilty and angry. Dream scoffed and slid down. "I crashed here by coincidence, might as well pay respects." He mumbled, his attitude changing on a dime as he slammed his shoulder into mine, making me stumble backward. I swear I'm five seconds away from beating the holy Jesus Christ outta him.

"You wanna kill a god?" I said, biting my tongue from saying more. "Duh, shits too crazy for me" Dream muttered, taking a rose out from under his coat and placing it next to the others. Hah! 'Just crashed here?' Bullshit, he came on purpose. "Shocker" 

The air felt thick and I looked around to find the source, which after a bit of looking, was from Sapnap, who looked like he was ready to maul Dream. "Whatever, I'm leaving. If you wanna help, you know where to find me." Dream said as he threw an ender pearl.

And then... poof.


Wait a damn second...

852 words

Told ya I'd be back ;)

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