First Chapter

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Third person POV

Blocking the doorway stood a 26-year-old man, with a stern look on his handsome face. He's the son of the Chairman who just arrived last week for his hands-on training to be the successor of the company.


Cold sweat breaks out of my whole body. There's no escape for me. What other compelling reason can I give him at this time of the night? It will not make even the slightest sense. And besides, I have the suitcase with a LOT of cash in my hands and I'm not anyone authorized to be in here. He's the CEO-to-be, for god's cake. There's no person above him. He can even kill me right now and make it look like I fought back. Yeah, he can definitely do that since I'm obviously, caught in the act.

"I was just—" I stuttered, my hands are turning cold, I don't even know what to do anymore.

"Stealing company money," he simply said at me, with stabbing eyes.

In reflex, I drop on my knees before him with anxious eyes and beg him, "Please, don't report me. I'll do anything you ask me to." I couldn't lie. I'm not a bad person by nature. "And I'll return this money as soon as I earn enough. Just please, I can't lose this job." I don't care anymore. Just let me off this time please, I beg you.

Jungkook POV

I stare at her kneeling before me with pleading eyes. Is this some kind of joke? How convenient. It hasn't even been a week. Now my chance is here to do what I want with her. And yes I'm lucky. Thank goodness, it was me who found her stealing today's collection. I've been itching to get my hands on her.

"Alright, just get out of here. I'll contact you when I decide on anything."

Her eyes widened as if she can't believe it, but believed it anyways. 'Is he really letting me off so easily?' That's the look on her face.

She then said, "Really? Thank you very much!"

"If you run away, you won't like what I'm gonna do with you," I threatened her just in case. "What's your name? What division?" I asked as if I didn't know.

"Yoo Y/n from the editing division!" She doesn't falter though and replied me with a straight face, "I won't run away, I promise. Thank you so much sir!"

She's about to leave the suitcase on the table but I tell her not to, "Bring the money."

Her eyes widen in shock again at me, "What? Are you serious?"

"Just bring it and get out of here before I change my mind," I urged her.

"D-dae..." she murmured.

She fumbles for the suitcase and just like that, I let her walk away from the room. She left feeling grateful bowing too much before completely vanishing through the hallway. I smirk to myself as I think about the coming days. Too bad for her it's not as easy as it looks. I have better things for her to do for me.


Third person POV

The next morning, the news of the stealing spread across the whole company. She was silent. He was quiet. Then a committee is made to investigate the incident. But just at the end of the day, the money is back in the vault. Though the culprit would still be penalized once discovered, the issue died down instantly.


I sit on my desk thinking about the things that transpired today. The issue has died down but my conscience is still killing me. I had used up all the money, those people took it all and it's gone now. But that same amount is back in the vault. Like really? I feel my hands turning cold. My heart is also pounding. There is only one person who could have replaced that amount. It's no one else but him. Who else could it be but him? He was the only who knew. Now I have double the reason to repay him. This time, he's the one I owe money to. Racking my brain out, I can hardly come up with a reason why he did it. Was it to protect me? It's not even possible. I barely know this guy. Until my phone vibrates with a message and I read it.

Jungkook. That's his name. It's written at the end of the message. I feel nervous reading his message. He said to meet me at a restaurant around town at 8PM. This must be his answer. He must've thought about what to make me do. I feel scared. I brace myself for whatever decision he makes for me. My life depends on him now and it's scary to think that way. But I don't have a choice. Starting from now, my life is tied to him.


It's an exclusive restaurant and I feel really out of place right now. Sitting across him, I feel so little and degraded. He ordered for me and the food on my plate right now probably costs more than what I eat for a whole week. I can't even move a finger to reach the porcelain utensils at the side of it.

"Eat, it's free," he said coolly as he chomps on his expensive looking food.

He's looking down on me. I'm just a thief in his eyes. And I can't blame him. It's all my fault. It's my fault for being desperately stupid. But I had no other choice and now I'm stuck with him.

"Thank you," I just told him. It's the first thing on my mind to tell him despite all other else.

"Thank you's not gonna cut it," he said as a matter of fact.

Of course, he wouldn't have done it for free. I absolutely knew that and I'm ready for anything. But I had to be sure he was really the one who did it. So I courageously asked, "Were you the one who replaced it?"

He continues cutting on his piece of meat and replies, "I asked someone to put it in. Of course, I can't be seen. I am the son of the company's chairman."

Abruptly I utter to him, "Thank you. I'll pay you back as soon as—"

"50M won." He cuts me and glares at me. "It'll take you more than 8 years to repay me with your salary. Without taking home a single cent. "

Of course, he knows. He's the head of the office. I'm sure he looked into my profile before ordering me to come here. I'm broke as hell that's why I did it. I know it's not even close to a deal promising to pay for something I can't even earn. But there has to be some other way for me. "I'll do other part time jobs. I won't stop working, I'll make sure to pay you real soon."

His eyes are on me this whole time but they are unreadable. Just then he said, "I have a part time job for you, if you want."

I feel delighted real fast replying, "Really sir? I'll do it!"

He smirks, a different expression off his face for the first time tonight. "That's fast."

"I'll do anything for you sir. Just tell me to, wherever whenever, I'll do it." I took the bait. It's better than surrendering me to the police or locking me up in his basement or killing me with a thousand whiplash. I'm desperate.

"I'll pay a million or 2 or even 5 million won every time I need your service and if you get to complete the job. So it'll be about more or less 40 times."

My eyes widen at the amount. "1-5M? Isn't that a bit-" it sounds suspicious, but do I have to mind? He's making this easy for me. Right? Right?!

"Why don't you start tonight?"

"Tonight sir?"

He only stares at me as I wide eyed ponder what the part time would be.


To be continued...

nantokanarusa 23.09.06

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