1 - I became an Extra?!

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SN_CRIT is a name well known in the A Novel's Extra community. Those who hate the series praise his harsh critiques and satirical stories based on the original. Those who loved the story abhor him. 

Lots of criticism goes his way for making his satire works too harsh and personal to the authors, but he couldn't help it. There were stories he just felt too strongly against. He made sure to add a message at the end of the stories detailing that he wished no ill harm to the authors and that it was just his opinion... but a lot of parts he critiqued were objectively bad, and he couldn't do much if his works influenced others to make their videos. 

SN_CRIT was hated by the entire writing community. Authors who were praised by him tried not to be associated with him at all costs. Those who were critiqued bombarded his inbox with talk-back. The reason he had such an impact was that he was decently well-known in the small community of web novels.

What about me? What do I think of him?

I am him. SN_CRIT is a shortening for Silvers Nolan_Critique. I'm not that old myself(I am 17), but I would still say my taste in stories is pretty good. 

Am I too harsh sometimes? Well, yeah. But in my experience, the shock factor is great for making small-time authors improve. It's not like I only insulted them, I always tried saying the positives before the negatives. Sometimes there was no positive. If the work improved, obviously I updated my review, but that didn't stop people from disliking me.

Today was much of the same. I came out of the gym and looked at the comments pouring into my phone. There were so many that I decided to switch my alt to stop the annoying notifications from coming. I changed my mind and went back to my main account, took a photo of myself, then went to my social media, blurred my face, and posted the image. 

Doing everything I can to not be like Kim Hajin from A Novel's Extra.

A lot of people argued Kim Hajin was a hard-working person. They completely forgot that his mentality was artificially gained through the Perseverance stat. If he hadn't placed any stats in perseverance, it would have been stuck at 5/10, the actual average of the world.

The comments swarmed in. 

I switched to my alt account to prevent notifications from annoying me, then walked out of the gym with a bright smile on my face. Back at my small one-room apartment, I grabbed my laptop and left -- I didn't have wifi in my apartment -- to an internet cafe near my house which was open all day. I paid for food and sat inside the cafe. I used the internet in the cafe itself to write my newest work, another satire of A Novel's Extra. 

If I was being honest, I was extra harsh in that story because the ending pissed me off so much. It had so much potential. Yes, it had some mistakes at the beginning and middle, but it was engaging and entertaining to read... until the ending. The ending would make any sane man want to toss their device into a lake and watch it drown. 

The main character is forgotten by anyone who didn't know Kim Chundong(the body of the person who the main character took over), or who was involved in his case of Chundong. Meaning more than half of the meaningful relationships he built were gone. That was fair enough... but then the Main Character also loses most of his equipment, skills, and abilities! The story hammers that you are the main character of your own story, and then the main character of the story itself becomes less than a damn Extra!

My fingers ran through the keyboard, typing at absurd speeds. My anger turned to joy as I trash-talked the bad aspects of this story. I did also try to enhance the good parts of the story... obviously, no one cared for the latter.

In three hours, I finished the chapter and sat back against the chair. "I think I might just sleep here today," I whispered to myself, looking up. The rent I paid for my One-Room apartment was very small, after all, it was run down, outside the center, It was a previous crime scene and it didn't include utilities. It was perfect for anyone who did not care about all the previous and didn't want to pay a lot of money for housing. 

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