8- Plans Made in Hell

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Saying I was tired would be the understatement of the century. My body could not handle much more of my bullshit. I reached my very spray-painted front door and went inside my house. Even the nice creaking caused by the layers of paint on my door's hinges felt nice at the moment. 

I shut my door and looked at the condition of my arm. It was an ouchie for sure. Full of scorch marks and steel still stabbing through it, it didn't feel the nicest. The adrenaline helped a lot, but I really wanted to end the pain. 

I sat down, and removed the foreign objects through my arm, treating them with extreme care. Normally one would say to keep them in, but moving hurt because it required muscles, and the pieces of my gun were currently all inside my arm. 

If someone gave me a manual, I'd probably be able to re-make it. After removing all of the small pieces and not whining while doing it, I grabbed the first aid kit and somberly stared at the needle and the magical nylon created to dissolve when the wound closed. I stuck the needle in and immediately banged my foot against the ground. 

I took a deep breath, grabbed something to bite, and made sure teeth imprints would be in said object forever.

When I finished, I felt a sense of absolute weakness. I quickly bandaged up the arm and made a small line of cloth my arm could hang from.

"I must have been delirious when I told Yi Yuri to not heal me," my "good guy" feelings welled up from the deepest coffin in my body and chose to surface in front of people who would make fun of me for it. "... Maybe I am soft on kids." I sighed.

Sitting. Getting my laptop. Turning it on. 

I  had to do everything with one damn hand because my arm was too busy crying in pain to be of any use. I opened the laptop and typed using my good -- non-dominant -- hand. I opened the computer.

I was bombarded with different messages. From SP gains to XP for Limitless, they all flooded my laptop screen. Most of the messages were Limitless-related, with a lot of my XP being gained due to my flight from Cube to where I was. Luck played a major factor in all my XP -- as usual -- and allowed me to rank up Limitless not once, but TWICE. "Still no teleportation." I noticed this in the messages.

Well, it didn't matter, for now, my priority was shortening the hand signs anyway. 

"Let's see, there's a lot of stat gains here," they ranged from being from my workout to extreme conditions due to my fight against the Djin. A total of 0.43 stat points were gained from the exchange. "... Fighting stronger opponents is the way to go when trying to get stats huh?"


> Stats


Strength: 4

Stamina: 3.8

Speed: 7.93

Perception: 8.73

Health: 4.5

M̶a̶g̶i̶c̶ ̶P̶o̶w̶e̶r̶:̶ ̶1̶0̶

Cursed Power: 10.73


I smiled at my stats. The best part about them was that they were higher than Kim Hajin's. Was that petty? Undeniably. Was I sorry about it? Not one bit. 

 I looked at my current SP and smiled. I had finally reached 10,000 SP.

Yoo Yeonha, Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, and Yun Seung-Ah were all present in the event and all participated. Kim Hajin got a very tiny amount of SP in comparison to me because he acted as a nonimportant party member, while I acted like the MVP and defeated the enemy. That in combination with media coverage reaching all around the world, the sheer amount of SP I had gained made me incredibly fortunate and happy.

Not an ExtraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon