6 - Traveling Club Event (1)

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Going to the Traveling Club Event took a lot of Preserverence. I  was exhausted because people kept entering the area of effect of my Six Eyes, and all of them were some form of threat. My Appraising Eye was working throughout the night and keeping me awake. 

I walked to the Club Room, two guards stood in front of the doors. I noticed they were around the same height as the two who appeared yesterday night. I appraised them -- I was right, they were the same guys from yesterday. Both flinched seeing me walking toward them. They stopped me before I could go inside the club. 

"... Ugh, what now?" I asked, looking them in the eye.  

"How are you seeing when your eyes are covered like that?" I yawned and didn't answer her question. I was rubbing my eyes so much I had to ditch my glasses and put bandages around my eyes. 

"Let me pass," I told them. They shook their heads and I looked up, exhausted by all of this. I released a huge sigh. "Let me guess, you're preventing me from going inside the club without some form of supervision?"

"That is correct." They said, putting both hands in their pockets. 

"So the guys who've been following me since the dorms don't count as supervision?" I asked, pointing my thumb to the several guys watching my every movement from far away.

"I do not know what you are talking about." He played innocent. 

"I guess you're gonna play stupid... fine but let me ask you a question," I put my hand on their shoulders, "How are you guys gonna stop me from going inside the club?"

"We will use force if necessary." The man said with confidence. He must have forgotten about yesterday when I used Blue to blitz them.

"Man, I'm tired of your shit," I put both hands in my pocket and walked past both of them. They tried grabbing me, but my infinity stopped both of them... some way to reveal it. 

"A non-visible barrier?!" the man asked.

"Sure, let's go with that." I jumped on that misunderstanding. Lucky me that they didn't know how magic barriers worked, because they did not work like that. Without being able to be stopped, I pushed the door open and went inside.

"Ah! Wait!  You can't go inside!" The man said dropping down. I yawned with a hand in front of me. I saw several familiar faces, like Kim Suho, who nodded his head down to greet me, Chae Nayun who glared, and Yoo Yeonha who was sneering at my current situation. 

I walked to where Kim Suho was, "So you picked the traveling club as well," he said. The guards walked up to me and narrowed their eyes. Before they could open their mouth I spoke. 

"I checked yesterday," I looked at the "Heroes" with a grin, "You have permission on the premises, but you aren't allowed to touch other students. You aren't working with Cube. You're not even Heroes, you're mercenaries paid by a student to keep me from going to my clubs. That way I would be forced to leave them due to neglect."

"That's true, we are mercenaries. However, we were still  hired by a Cube staff member, meaning we have enough authority to tell you to get out of the club."

"A staff member?" I immediately got the answer in my mind. I smiled and then chuckled, my chuckle turned into laughter, "That's rich!" Yun Hyuk mercenaries so I would be taken out of his Academic Club. He was probably hoping I would get kicked out so he could manipulate the girls inside the class more easily. "Sorry to say, but Staff members aren't that powerful when it comes to the Rules of Cube. Hiring Mercenaries  can be used as an excuse to keep the Students, safe, but the moment they attempt to harm them the story changes."

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