7- Traveling Club Event (2)

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[Amazing Container of Ginseng pills]

"What are these?" Kim Suho asked opening the container.

"Eat one and give the other to Chae Nayun." The fact one Ginseng was required to make two stupid pills made me angry. But there was nothing I could do about it. It took 310 SP to make, so I was definitely going to make Suho pay me back somehow later.

I started making hand signs. "Well, here we go," I said, using Blue to fly toward the Djin, of course, this Blue was global, which meant the Djin also came toward me. I let Infinity block the Djin's attack, then I struck it in the face. My mind blanked for a split second.

Why was I giving such important resources to these two? Why was I helping them out so much? The thought intruded into my mind again. I shook it out of my head and looked in front of me.

Was I supposed to be scared of fighting this thing? Why wasn't I scared? I felt a strange sense of excitement. Still, worried about what might come with my mind blanking out on me, I jumped back and tried to analyze what to do next.

The Djin didn't feel like letting me rest and jumped my way, I tried blocking it with Infinity, but my exhaustion got the better of me, and for a fraction of a second, the Djin was able to get passed my Infinity.

I was struck in the chest and sent flying.

My chest hurt, and the sharp pain and the sting followed by it seeped into my mind. Still, I didn't feel scared. If it weren't for the cursed energy I outputted at the last second, I would have died. So why wasn't I scared? Why was I doing so much for people who hated me, and I barely knew?

I chuckled at my current predicament, "Damn it," I thought to myself touching my chest. There was a cut on my chest and it stung like hell.

"I felt my energy return! I'll go help you out!" Kim Suho tried getting up. I extended my arm.

"If you join now we'll both die. You stupid idiot," I knew those pills better than anyone, after all, I made them using my setting intervention. 

He needed a full five minutes minimum before they could do anything of significance to him thanks to his high stats. 

Why didn't I use the pills myself? Was I stupid? I barely knew Kim Suho. I owed him for letting me enter the club, but we could barely be considered acquaintances. 

"Just leave this to me. I haven't lost yet." I told Kim Suho, "Have you forgotten what my weapon is?" I grabbed my cadet pistol and aimed it at the Djin. "I've got a range advantage."

All the thoughts flooding my mind were useless, and I had to stop them from distracting me. Right now the only thing I should be focused on was the fight,  and not dying. 

I couldn't rely on Infinity anymore, which meant I had to keep my distance and use simple attacks. I quickly took out two of the bullets I had and put them in my pocket. If I had to guess, I had one more full-powered Blue. Normally Blue would just spaghetti the enemy's limbs, crushing them when they were at their core, but Djins were born with naturally tough skin and power, not to mention I didn't have that much control over Blue, I needed a lot more practice.

There was only one way to efficiently kill Djins. I honestly thought it would have died from the previous Blue I tossed at him.

"Here goes nothing," I thought, using my handgun to shoot the Djin on the shoulders and knees. The bullets pierced his magical defense and bruised his body, but they didn't do that much damage overall, even when packed with cursed energy.

This enemy was annoying as hell to deal with. I would say Cursed Energy doubled the strength of the bullets and their power output. A bullet has a power of 2/10, and it took a bullet of 6/10 with his elemental weakness to damage this Djin. At max output, I am hitting this enemy with a 4/10 and heavily bruising him.

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