Avoid pier pressure

472 37 24

Sorry, I am not dead yet.

Leviathantale belongs to Sku UwU


Nightmare has seen many things in his long immortal life.

Some so great and wonderful that it left him in complete and utter awe, but very much in the same vain, he has seen things that are so terrible and heinous that he wishes to erase it from his memories entirely.

There was a time however, long before any of that mattered. A time where the only thing that mattered was protecting what they where expected of.  *Each-other* and guarding the pools of magic residing in their respective bodies of water.

With that being said, the ancient Leviathan has a vast understanding in forgotten magics and knowledge.

Nightmare always had a thirst for knowledge, but that thirst was quickly quenched in the aftermath of the events of Atlantis...Now instead, choosing to reside in the furthest recesses of the seas. Far away from anything can cause him harm and heartache. Along with keeping everything that he treasures within tentacles reach of his domain (His shiver and Dream).

Everything involving that place was a muddled mess after...Mother's passing...Which is truly a shame as Atlantis held a vast library of knowledge hidden within it walls, but it is all washed away under the waves at this point. Nothing but, old stories and faded memories left over...

The most concerning and devastating thing to come out of that horrible mess was the unexplained disappearances of the two of his kin. It was just as shocking, as it was unsettling. Even though they all were warring with each other, it was an unspoken understanding that only a Leviathan could pose a true

threat to another Leviathan.

How very foolish and naïve to think that was the case. Proven true by the despicable and backstabbing acts of the land walkers. Shaking the ancient sea beasts to their very core...After everything that the Leviathan and Mother had done for them. Only for then to get greedy and try to control the very beings that provided them with the sea's glorious bounties and protected them from the harshness of the stormy dark waters.

They dared to put the Leviathans against each other, using magic that never belong to them in the first place.

The battles were bloody and unforgiving. Many mortal lives were lost in the process and in the end the Leviathan keep on fighting even after the others were freed of the land walkers control. Over what little remained of their Mother and her precious creation. Also, whether or not the left over land walkers where guilty or innocent...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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