Chapter 8: Fear

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"Wha-..Where am I.." Charli found herself in a forest, or what seems more like a campsite.

A warm bonfire burned softly, its flames dancing with the draft that brought chills down her sleeve, made the air in the area a peculiar mix of hot and cold.

"..Wait a minute-..Luca..?" Charli looked around only to realize, she was all on her own.

"no..No..NOO!!!" Charli cried out, she immediately moved from her place and searched the campsite everywhere for the albino haired male.

"Luca! Luca! C'mon, this is not funny..!" Charli was clearly stressing out about the situation, her hands became more sweaty as time passes by, making her anxious about her friend even more.

After a few moments of searching, she broke down and sat on a log near the fire, clearly her search wasn't working out..

She sighed, deciding to think for a few seconds 'Luca..where are you?! I'm in a place where I don't even know whe-..'

Speaking of, she's been here for awhile yet she hasn't questioned how she got here..

Was it because of her worry over Luca?


"..Okay, I need to find Luca first before I get out of here! We can work on that together!" Making up her mind, she diverts her direction to the forest, not thinking twice because all shr cares now is to find Luca.

Not knowing what trouble she'll expect out there..

Walking into the woods was rather..silent, one where you feel uneasy by how only your own breathing could be heard.

Charli immediately got creeps by this weird atmosphere, hoping that this won't be the end of her.

"..L..Luca! Luca! Where are you?!" Charli called out, as she walks I'm the woods, she then stumbled upon om what she thinks is a small piece of 'wood'.

"Huh?" Wondering what she just almost stepped on, she looked down to see a chameleon, blending on by the dried up leaves.


"Shh" The chameleon suddenly hissed, surprising Charli by this, she didn't know animals can shush her up now.

"Did you just shush me?" Her first reaction was rather just really annoyed by this other than asking why it did that.

"Shh." The chameleon continued which pissed Charli more, "Hey! Stop that!" She raised her voice even more, contrasting the animal's instructions.


"That's it! I didn't wanna come by this but I'm gonna step on you if you shush me one more time, got it?!" Charli argued, the chameleons eyes widened and stayed still on it's spot.

Charli thought that the chameleon finally shut his mouth and got intimidated by her, oh how proud she was, raising her head and all.

"Yeah! That's right, fear me! AHAHAHA!" Breaking out of character and rubbing more salt to the wound, Charli continued her boasting, Mom didn't raise a low-headed person afterall.

With laughter echoing, Charli's mood was brightened, her joy was like a dazzling moonlight. Suddenly, as if a dark, ominous shadow had blotted out the light, Charli became aware of her peril. Her laugh was now silenced, replaced by an eerie stillness. She now knew she was in a moment of great danger.

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