Chapter 10: Festival Night Awaits

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As Charli stood near the cherry blossom tree, she was struck with wonder at the beauty of the scene before her. The lantern festival was in full swing, with people of all ages enjoying the various stalls. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cooked street food, and the sounds of laughter and joyful chatter drifted through the night. Charli couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at being a part of this vibrant event, surrounded by so many people who were simply enjoying the moment. As she took it all in, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the life she had and the experiences she had the privilege to have.

Wearing a simple outfit, Charli stood at the lantern festival, enjoying the sights and sounds around her. She couldn't help but notice how well-dressed some of the others were, but she reminded herself to keep her clothing a bit more low-key, as Luca had instructed earlier. After all, she wasn't in a position to question his reasoning.

Speaking of Luca, where is that guy?? Charli has been standing here, watching everyone have fun without her for an hour!! Did he ditch her?!

As Charli was about to make her way out of the lantern festival, she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her from behind, pulling her in for a tight hug. The sudden display of affection from Luca caught her off guard and caused her face to flush with embarrassment. She didn't expect him to be the affectionate type and yet there he was, making his feelings known in a very public way. The strangest part of it all, though, was that he was wearing his hood, something she thought he only did to hide his emotions. Overall, it was a weird moment, but it also made her feel special and cared for.

"L-..Luca! What the heck?! Where were you?!" As Charli pulled away from Luca's embrace, she found herself blushing like crazy. Luca, on the other hand, had a playful grin on his face, teasing her playfully.

"Haha..Sorry Char, I had to..get Ciel away for awhile, I told him a couple times I'll be fine but he won't listen"

When Luca explained the reason for the earlier delay, Charli couldn't help but let out a small pout. She had been impatient, wanting answers right away, and the wait was making her even more frustrated. Despite her annoyance, she couldn't stay mad at him for long, his charm and playful nature always seemed to win her over. It was one of the things she loved about him, he could always make her feel better, even if he was the cause of her initial frustration.

"Ugh..Fine, it's okay Luca..but now you have to pay for everything I buy in this festival just because your late, now C'mon!" As Charli skipped onto the festival grounds, she cheerfully took in all the sights and sounds around her. She made a point to stop at every stall and stand, taking in all the unique and delicious food options and marveling at all the different crafts and products on display. As she hopped from one stall to the next, Luca followed at a slower pace, trying to keep up with her energetic stride.

As they kept walking by, a certain stand seems to caught Charli's interest.

"Oh! Oh! Luca, look they have cute accessories there!" She smiled at him as she hopped to the stand, Luca following right behind her.

"Ah, what can I do for you, young lady?" When they arrived, Charli was greeted by a cheerful looking bearded man who seemed friendly and welcoming. Charli couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her as she realized that Alex was doing a good job of managing the kingdom.

"We'll take two of these..Uh.. bracelets please!" She said in a joyous tone, this night, she just wants to be herself and be overly happy just because it's her first time attending a fantasy festival.

"Well young lady, these are called chaquiras, they're Mexican, i dont know what that is but the Princess said no questions asked so I'll do so! And i can see your getting this for your lover am I right?" The vendor chuckled, amused by the situation. The misunderstanding between the two people had turned them into a flustered mess, and they both seemed to be at a complete loss for words. Charli, who was usually very clear with denying any rumors or suggestions that they were a couple, seemed to be a bit flustered this time round. Perhaps she actually liked the attention?

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