Chapter 9: The Artifact

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Poke, Poke


"Luca! He isn't waking up! What do we do?!" Currently the three remaining people (and..worm) are trying to wake the purplette back to reality, it seems he has fainted coming back from his fear place.

Luca sighed, he didn't wanted more problems, they just want to spend time with Charli..ALONE. and that's it, why does everything don't go his way?!

"Look bae, can't we just leave him here and look for the exit? We'll get back at him later" They replied, he was about to turn around and leave but swiftly, Charli grabbed Luca by the back of his hood and turned his heel forward.

"Ofcourse Not! What if he got lost, or get taken...or worse..GET EATEN! WE MIGHT NOT GET THAT GOLD NOW!" Seems like our little squirrel here is more concerned about the loot more than her prince.

"Fine..okay, okay..let's wake him up.." Luca finally surrenders and went over to where Light was lying, he crouched near the sleeping body and took out his Lyre.

Soon, Luca began to sing a soothing melody that gradually permeated the dim room, stirring Light from his slumber. Despite the gentleness of the tune, it appeared to be having a powerful effect on the young man, as he began to stir from his unconscious state, gradually returning to the land of the living.

"Rahh..- Where am I now??" Light questioned as his eyes slowly open to see the scene before him, there stood Charli, looking all worried, Gummy immediately nagging him about how cowardly he is and Luca..who's just deeply staring at him with an annoyed expression, they both know why.

"Oh, i think I know where am I..I'm still in my nightmares, no way Luca is here for real!" He immediately went back to laying down which Gummy was against to and supported him back up, "No, Sir! There's no time to rest, we need to get up and find a way out of here!" The floating guide said so, which the others agreed.

"Ugh..Fine..whatever" Light got up and dusted off some dirt from his outfit, before looking back at the other two. "Finally, well then, let's go now, no time to waste!" Luca led the way and the rest followed as they chatted the way through


"Hey Light, why did you come here in the first place" Asked Charli, that question has been on her mind ever since Alex introduced them to the commission.

"Oh, well..I heard there's this really cool treasure down here and maybe it'll be worth a million gold! Now I can rub it in Alex's face once I found it, Haha!" Light responded, clearly he's the most immature out of the bunch which makes Luca tick off.

"Really, Light?! Just for some stupid treasure?! You know your basically a Prince right, you had a goldmine in your hands but we ended up being stuck here because of you!" Luca couldn't contain his anger anymore and strode over to Light, pointing his finger at him as he blamed him for everything that had happened. Light, however, appeared unbothered by his accusation and seemed to be aware of something Luca was not.

"Oh..! Your right, my bad yall" Light simply said as if this matter wasn't a big problem, "WHY YO-"

"Okay guys, cut it out! We should be finding a way to getting out of here not arguing!" Charli interfered, she didn't want more trouble to begin with, she just wanted some gold.


"OKAY! who's hungry? I totally forgot I packed some snacks for this trip!" Charli brought out three Classic Burritos, a delicacy from her time, though one that didn't yet exist in this world. She gave each of the males one of the wraps to calm them down, and they consumed the savory, filling food while enjoying the comforting warmth that it brought to their stomachs.

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