28 August/Spring

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I realized.
The weather's getting warmer
Spiders crawl around my house
Flowers are blooming on every corner

I look around
Bees hum and buzz while I bite the tip of my pen
Periods drag on on wishing they would end
I think about what to tell you, when we're face to face again

I remember
How we'd walk like children running on daises
When we were just children but now my memory is hazy
How much I wished the curtains would never call, because my memories with you are my favorite of all

You are my Spring.
I'm allergic to your love but still in your presence I remember how to breathe
You are the...you in my step, haha
I find myself smiling at these blossoms but knowing none of their beauties compare to you
You flood my memory, not even other's summer showers compare
I find myself drowning but always in the distance is your hand reaching with care

Spring comes time and time again but these past years you made me realize why people love Spring.
Why suddenly, I'm people.
Beauty, new beginnings; love.
Those words may lack a "C" but they are you.

You're a sprout peaking out from icy snow
You are the sunlight that melts away the ice on me I used to know
You are the part of my heart that races at beautiful things
You are the part of my brain that writes these poems and make want to me sing

You are something irreplaceable, and while I'm so irritable,
you are why my heart no longer feels that sting.

You are spring.

Poems Penned Precisely by MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang