Writer's Walk

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Obsessively writing
How about some brothers obsessively fighting ?

Press record and we can burn that down on a label
Fighting for a chance to be top like fighting for the remote back when we had cable

Say, you could sell your soul for that Hollywood dream
Or act your days out with that Bollywood gleam

Pressure makes diamonds and I'm covered ice
Fame always ends but I'm still shaking the dice

I just wanna write a masterpiece
Taking bars from a rapper like robbing a sheep of it's fleece

I'm taking a shot at this
Now let's pray I don't miss

It's finally my recital
Ain't drip it's more like tidal

To those who said I'll never make it and told me to face it
Well look at me now, I'm up on stage and it's a throne of my glory I chased it

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