"On today's forecast:"

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Rain fell from the sky 2 weeks ago
Ignored, pretended but listened
Didn't want to

What is rain?
What is water?
Why must I care for the sky's tears?
I know you're the sky dude.
But I don't care about your rain.

Rain fell again the eve before us
Thought more on it
I'm oblivious,
I think your thoughts are delirious
Truth stings
And I think about the rain.

Rain fell again this morning
I was dealing with lightning
I looked up and down for thunder
But still the wind spoke of rain

Break came
I had no rest
Clear skies
But there were omens of rain everywhere.

The omen let the rain crash
Why can't the cloud tell me this?
Why should I turn a blind eye?
I've been blind for 2 years.
But seeing I do not miss

Rain falls
It happened twice today
Many say that's a sign
But I'm minuscule, I'm little, I'm ignorant
I refuse to recognize rainfall if not from the cloud itself.

Poems Penned Precisely by MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora