Chapter 3

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"Akiko! Are you up?" Akiko's brother, Kai, (not really her brother because they aren't related, Kai just found her in the forest and brought her home) had been trying to wake her up for five minutes."

"Y-yeah, I'm up. What do you want me to do?"

"The news will be on in a few moments, and it looks like something big is going to happen, so I wanted you to be up for this."

Kai was already dressed in his normal clothes, just in case something bad was going to happen and they needed to get out, Akiko thought she should do the same.

The TV was making loud noises that sounded like they had come out of a horror movie, signaling that something important was going to be shown on the screen.

"How long has this been going on?" Akiko asked.

"For about ten minutes," Kai replied.

"That seems way too long!"

"Maybe the news reporter was stuck in traffic."

"Then why would they start the countdown?"

"They're probably making sure that everyone can hear what they're about to say."

Just then, the broadcast turned on.

"Hey, motherfuckers! No time for nice introductions! It seems that we are being attacked by women to seem to be high! The police have shot them many, MANY times, BUT THEY JUST WON'T DIE!!! WHAT THE FRICKING FUCK MAN??!?!?! What? I can't cuss because kids might be watching? WHATEVER!! I DO NOT GIVE A- *BAM* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THEY'RE HERE!!!!!! RUN!!!!!! NO, NO-" "NYAHAHAHA, NYAHAHAHAHA! HEEHEE!!!!"

Akiko was too stunned to speak or move.

"Akiko, quick, call the others, we're getting into the car, they'll be here any moment now..." Kai said while grabbing her arm to get her to snap out of it.

Akiko quickly got into the car with Kai and the rest of the family, ready to ask so many questions, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Okay, what just happened? Who was that girl who killed the guy? Why does she look high? And why are we running away from her? Do you know her?"

"Yeah, yeah I do know her."

"Well, who is she?"

"She was in my kindergarten class, I helped her with her math and she thought that we were dating, and it made me really uncomfortable..."

"Did you tell her how you felt about it?"

"Yeah, and she took it to offense, and now, she probably wants to kill me more than ever."

"Her parents need to give her a little bit of.... Discipline.... ANYWAY! Where do these friends live?" Kai's mom blurted.

"Uh, okay, Lela lives at Holy House, address is 1999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, on Holy Street, then after we get Lela, just drop us off at BillyBob's supermarket so we can get Molly." Akiko replied.

Getting Lela was easy since Lela's parents knew Kai's parents and she just lived in a house, but Molly on the other hand was... challenging... 

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