Chapter Six

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After Molly fed Bill, who turned out to be a giant ink monster the size of an army tank, (no wonder they needed a big house) she got on her KFC Crocs and went to water the plants outside. They had a lot of eyes and some were very big. Then the TV turned on.

"Breaking news, the women who look high and came out of Equestria girls are nearing $p1r1tu@L T0wN. Everyone there, lock your doors and everything, help will be on the way."

The broadcast ended as abruptly as it started, leaving the teens silent and horrified...

"......They won't find out about the town though, right? This place is like, hidden, and their noodle arms probably can't lift them up the wall, right?" Akiko said, breaking the silence.

"Akiko, whatever you do, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THEM!!! They may look high, dumb, and weak, but their master is ruthless... DON'T DOUBT HER!"

"We gotta get Molly, there's like, 500 flowers outside and I don't think she has a gun on her..." Lela said to change the topic.

"I'll go get her," Akiko said walking to the sliding door. "MOLLY!! GET IN!! THE HIGH GIRLS ARE COMING!!!"

"Wait, I've got 50 more flowers to water! It'll be quick!"


"Mom will be upset though..."

"I-I'm sure your mom will understand..."

Akiko heard Molly say something, but she wasn't entirely sure what it was, but she thought she heard her say something about her brother, she never knew Molly had a brother, but she couldn't think of it for long because she could hear something in the distance.

It was one of them...

"Molly, look, we don't have much time, they're right there! You can do it later!"

Without hesitating, Molly grabbed a pistol out of her pocket and shot Mary Sue.

"I thought you were kidding," Molly said while throwing the water can to the ground. "Fine, let's get inside, quickly." She said when keeping an eye on the entrance of the neighborhood.

"What took you so long?" Lela asked.

"Yeah, do you have a death wish?"

"At least you guys are alright." Lela sighed as Akiko closed the door, but then, THUMP! One of the thousands of Mary Sues woke up with blood on her chest and hands and then slid back down to the ground.


"They're immortal. No matter how much you shoot them they are gonna come back, one way or another, mad or happy..." Kai explained in a serious tone.

"Maybe even psychotic..." Lela added.

"She's acting like she's dying-" Molly added.

"I think she's trying to trick us into coming outside and then brutally killing us using 20% of her power..." Kai said.

"So you're telling me that we're stuck?" Akiko panted in a more calm voice but still sounded fearful.

"No, but maybe we can get your mom's car, Molly."

The whole crew went into Molly's garage to get the car and drive off, but they just remembered they needed the keys, so Molly had to go get the car keys.

"Got Em!"

"Alright, hurry, hurry, hurry! They could break at any moment now!"

Kai opened the garage and then quickly drove out, there was another entrance and exit to $p1r1tu@L T0wN, once they went that way they found a bunch of Mary Sues fighting cops to the death (I bet you can guess who was winning, spoiler, the cops needed a bunch of back-ups.)

"Great, now we're stuck!"

"Nuh uh, we can run the Mary Sues over!" Kai replied to Molly, then turned up the speed and hit a bunch of Mary Sues, most of the Neko Mary Sues hissed and screamed like cats.

"YOU NASTY UNSUGAR PLUMS WILL PAY FOR THIS MESS!!!! NYAHAHA!!! OW!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Neko girl screamed when a cop shot her in the ass with a laser gun.

"Hey!! Those people in the car just ran the Mary Sues over and are speeding!!! ARREST THEM!!!"

"Dude, that's seriously your biggest concern right now? They helped us and we might see a bright light any minute now... Just keep shooting."

"Alright, Kai! Where we heading'??? Downtown?? Making my way downtown~~"

"DO NOT SING!! We're heading to that abandoned middle school, that might be that last place they look for." Kai answered.

"What do you mean might?!"

"Eh, can never be certain..."

"I- nevermind..." Lela said.

"No no, say it, I'm interested." Kai peeped.

"Well, don't you think it's kinda unsafe to just go to this place, we don't know what kinda stuff is in there and you said you weren't certain if the Mary Sues are gonna go over there."

"Well, I didn't have much time to think about it, we're on the road and Molly's house is probably being raided by Mary Sues."

"Well, Bill's probably eating them right now, he's a very hungry boy." Molly blurted.

Akiko just sat in her seat, watching all of them talk.

"...Did we bring Akiko with us?" Kai questioned.

"Uh, yeah, she's right next to me." Molly answered.

"Just making sure..."

The car ride was pretty much silent the entire time, disrupted by the Iris telling where Kai to go, then, they finally arrived.

"Why are we going in by the back?" Molly announced.

"So it'll be harder for them to find the car."

The (Ugly) Mary Sue (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now