Chapter 2

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A frown was etched on Hope's face as her mother's car arrived in front of her school. The big sign read Legacy Academy. Her mother didn't waste time kicking her out of the car, reminding her to come back home with the receipt of her school fees which had been paid earlier during the holiday.

Hope's frown deepened when she walked into the school compound. Students from different grades were running to hug each other with wide smiles plastered on their faces. Hope did not see any reason to be happy. It was just another bloody semester.

Legacy Academy, was one of the biggest schools in Edo state. It was well-furnished and equipped. It was a typical rich man school filled with children of Senators, Ministers, big businessmen, and so on.

Hope sank into her blazer as a gust of wind swept over her. It was September, so the weather was quite chilly. Hope roamed around the school compound trying to locate her new classroom. She did so in haste not wanting to catch a cold.

Gladys, her classmate, who was walking behind her decided to help after she had watched Hope wander for ten minutes, "Hope," She chirped gaily, drawing Hope's attention. "How was your holiday?" She asked, standing next to her.

Hope managed to muster a smile. "It was alright," She replied. She looked around embarrassed, "Do you know where our new classroom is?"

Gladys smiled, "You have walked past it twice." She answered, pointing at a door not too far away.

This made Hope more embarrassed, "Thank you." She murmured and went towards the classroom.

As she stepped into the class, the first thing she noticed was that the class was full, everyone had already chosen their respective seats. She observed that all the classes had been refurnished. The desks and chairs were brand new and the walls were repainted a lighter shade of milk.

Hope sighted her so-called friends, Kyla and Maris, sitting near the window. Kyla had caramel skin, honey-colored eyes, a small pointed nose, and plum lips. She had knotless braids done. Maris on the other hand was dark, tall, with dark eyes and thin lips. She had Ghana weaving. They both turned to Hope when she got close.

"Hope!" Kyla shouted in fake enthusiasm. She stretched out her hand to hug Hope, "I missed you. How was your holiday?"

Hope reluctantly hugged her back, "It was fine," She replied, taking the only empty seat behind them.

"Where did you go for the holiday?" Maris asked, Immediately Hope settled down. "I am sure your Dad took you guys for a trip."

"We went to Abuja. My dad sponsored the trip but he was not present. He was doing business in Lagos."

Kyla stared at her in envy, "You should be grateful, at least he sponsored the trip. Unlike us who remained in this boring Edo state." she said, gesturing to herself and Maris. Kyla's father was a businessman and Maris's family dealt with farming. They had a big commercial farm.

Hope gave her a blank stare, "Who said I was ungrateful?"

Kyla waved her hand, dismissing her statement, "So, I heard we have a new student. I heard he is very good-looking," she said.

"Really?" Maris asked, excitedly.

Hope stared at them as they both started gushing over the unknown boy. Hope rolled her eyes, she had no interest in him.  The class went quiet when Mr. Prosper, their class teacher, came in with his register and a boy trailing behind him.

Kyla started fixing herself up immediately she caught sight of the boy. He was tall, fair with pink lips, and flawlessly handsome. Everything Kyla liked in a boy.

Mr. Prosper slammed his register on the table to draw everyone's attention, "Good morning class. I hope you all had a nice holiday." He said.

"Good morning Mr. Prosper." Everybody chorused.

He stroked his beard as he spoke, "As you all know, this is a new class, the most important class of your life. If you want to pass, you have to pay attention to every lesson-"

"Just talk and leave, joor." Someone cut Mr. Prosper off. It was Nosa, the school's delinquent. His father owned a business enterprise. He was sitting with his legs on the table, a sneer on his face. Hope gazed at him with a frown on her face. His first two buttons were undone and she could see the dirty brown singlet he was putting on. She averted her gaze. Do they lack money to buy a detergent?

Mr. Prosper flared up, hitting his register on the table in anger, "It is people like you that will end up failing and wasting your parent's hard-earned money. This is your final year, you better make the most of it and make wise decisions." He huffed.

He turned his attention back to the rest of the class, "We have a new student joining us," He gestured to the boy behind him who had been quietly observing. "His name is Nathaniel and you guys should treat him well." He concluded, leaving the class still angry.

Girls instantly crowded around Nathaniel, offering assistance. He looked at them uncomfortably before rejecting them politely.

Kyla turned around, facing Hope. She had a dreamy look on her face, "Isn't he handsome?" She asked, her voice uncomfortably loud that it drew some people's attention.

One of those people was Damilare Ayo, Mama Ola's son. Hope could feel him staring at her intently, waiting for her to answer Kyla's question.

One thing the Ayo family was known for was their inability to shut up. Although she found Nathaniel good-looking, she could not answer because Damilare would yap to his mother, who in turn would tell her mother that she had started admiring boys in school. If that ever happened, she was sure to get a good beating. To avoid all that, she only shrugged in response.

"So you don't think he is good-looking?" Maris asked, eyeing Hope up and down. She was clearly annoyed by the lack of answers they were getting.

Hope took a glimpse at Damilare, he was still staring at her eagerly. She shrugged again in response.

Maris and Kyla's expressions turned to that of ridicule. Hope chuckled in her heart. They want to show their true colors.

Kyla clapped her hands in mockery, "Who are you forming for? If he is fine, say so. Holier than thou."

"It is not even like she is fine herself. She is not even half as pretty as her sister." Maris added with a sneer.

Hope flinched at that remark. All her life, she has been compared to Unique. Unique is so beautiful, Unique is the most intelligent, Unique is very talented. She hated it. Hope thought things would be better after her sister had graduated two years ago but it is as if her sister's beauty is still engraved in people's minds.

Hope ignored them and stared out the window. She cringed when she caught her reflection in the window pane. She was wearing her uniform which consisted of a green pleated skirt, a white long-sleeve, a green tie, and a green blazer. Unique once told her she looked terrible in green, she saw why now. She brushed her braids from her eyes before averting her gaze.

Damilare, who had been watching the exchange, was distracted by a tap on his shoulder. His friend, Tony, has been staring at him in interest as he gazed at Hope.

Tony wiggled his eyebrows at him, "Why are you looking at her like that?" He asked, grinning.

Damilare averted his gaze from Hope and turned to his friend, "What are you insinuating?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

Tony raised his hand in surrender, "Nothing ooo." He said. He looked over to Hope who was staring out of the window and then back to his friend, "Shebi you guys are neighbors? How come she always ignores you?" He asked, curiously.

Damilare didn't have an answer for his friend. The Osasere family were rich snubs, at least that was what he heard the whole neighborhood say. He still did not understand why his mother was trying her best to befriend them. Well, who was he to judge? He shrugged at Tony before facing the Bible he was reading.

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