Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to Feran_meee for her support. I deeply appreciate it.

Unique stared at the ceiling of the white room with a scowl on her face. She found it uncomfortable sitting for hours. She tilted her head and gazed at Hope's sleeping face. She looked so peaceful, Unique thought.

Unique sighed before tilting her head back to look at the ceiling. This routine of hers has been going on for a week. For a week, she had practically lived in the four corners of the hospital.

They had been waiting for Hope to come home. Her Father started worrying when Efe did not arrive, an hour after he claimed to pick her up from school. The school was only fifteen minutes away. Efe did not return any of their calls neither did Hope. "Maybe they just went out for a while. You know teenagers." Mama Unique said but everybody ignored her. Something was wrong, Unique felt it.

It was exactly 1:30 p.m. when they received the news. They all rushed into the car including Mr. Edosa who had been waiting for his son.

Lily Hospital. The sign read as they pulled up in front of the hospital, "Where is my daughter?" Mama Unique had yelled at the first nurse she saw. The nurse pointed at the counter in fright. Mama Unique did not spare her another glance as she stormed to the counter. "Where is my daughter?" She yelled again at the nurse at the counter.

"Madam, please may I know the name of the person you are looking for?" The nurse asked. She was not fazed by Mama Unique's behavior. She had seen worse.

"Hope. Hope Osasere."

"Hope Osasere." The nurse drawled as she skimmed through her register. "There she is. Madam your daughter is currently undergoing surgery. Room 201."

They immediately rushed leaving behind Mr. Edosa who was inquiring about the whereabouts of his son.

Half an hour later, Hope was wheeled out from the Theatre and transferred to another room. She has been in a coma since then.

Soon after Hope was transferred, church members flocked to her room. It was a church member, Mama Nosa who was on her way to the Pastor's house, who witnessed the accident and went to help only to find out it was Hope. A drunk driver had hit them.

"Why was she in a car with that rapist?" Mama Ola had yelled with tears streaming down her face when she found out that Hope was with Efe when she had the accident. Mama Ola and her family had come to visit when they heard the news.

Everybody stared at her in surprise, "What are you talking about? Who is a rapist?" Mama Unique asked as she retied her wrapper around her waist as if she had been searching for a reason to pick a fight with Mama Ola.

"The boy your child was with is a rapist and I told her to stay away from him so why was she in his car?" Mama Ola asked.

"So, you are the one who has been feeding my daughter with lies. You are the reason she is always absent from home-"

"Mommy, she just called Efe a rapist. Let us listen to what she has to say." Unique had cut in. She had received a slap in return.

"Will you shut up? What do you know?" Mama Unique said to Unique before facing Mama Ola, "I heard your son beat up Efe. Do you know that they are investors in my husband's project? Important guest. You can't even give your children proper home training but I don't blame you. A lion cannot give birth to a goat."

Damilare stepped forward blocking his mother from Mama Unique, "With all due respect ma'am, please do not speak to my mother like that. We were only trying to help."

Mama Unique let out a laugh, clapping mockingly, "So, you want to beat me as well?"

Papa Unique stepped forward, dragging his wife back, "Don't you have shame? You want to fight in a situation like this? In front of your comatose daughter?" He asked, his voice laced with disappointment. He turned to Mama Ola, "I am sorry but can you please explain yourself?"

"Efe was assaulting Hope." Adenike blurted out. Gasps resonated around the room.

"What do you mean by that?" Unique asked in disbelief. What did she mean by assault?

"Yes, Efe was assaulting Hope. That was why Damilare got into a fight with him and that is why Hope always ran away when he was around."

"You are lying." Mama Unique said. "Efe is not the type to assault anyone. He is from a respectable family."

"Respectable family? For your information, he is from a family of con-mans. His family are thieves." Mama Unique said as she brought out her phone and showed it to Papa Unique, "When Hope told me his father's name, I knew it was familiar so I told my husband to ask around only to find out that they are crooks."

Papa Unique read the contents in Mama Ola's phone with bulging eyes, "What is this? I don't understand."

When Mama Unique saw her husband's reaction, she snatched the phone away from him. What she saw shook her to the core.

"Mr. Edosa had gone bankrupt five years ago but he kept the news from spreading. He would pretend to be rich and sign partnerships with big men, those who are prideful, but this was a decoy for his son to get close to their daughters. Once Efe had succeeded in sleeping with them or raping them, Mr. Edosa would threaten to expose the scandal if they did not give him money. No prideful man wants others to know that their child was raped. These men will pay and let them go to preserve their family names."

"It is a lie." Mama Unique murmured in disbelief, shaking her head vigorously. "This is a lie. You are telling me Mr. Edosa and Efe are scams and they conspired to rape my daughter? It is a lie. Such a thing can never happen to my child. Hope would have told me if she was being molested." Mama Unique trailed off. "I am her mother."

"She tried to tell you but you would not listen. You even sent her to Efe in the night when she begged you not to. He had tried to rape her that day." Damilare told her.

Mama Unique shook her head as she slowly collapsed on the floor, "You are lying. No mother would send her child to be raped."

"Excuse me…excuse me." Someone said dragging Unique from her thoughts. She tilted her head to see the nurse, "Visiting hours are over."

Unique nodded before she packed her things and left.


I literally gave random reasons in this chapter, lol.

Do you think there is any part of my writing I should work on? Tell me in the comment section.

I personally think I have a problem expressing the emotions of my characters.

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