Chapter 5

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Hope groaned, kneading her brows as she woke up from sleep. She had a massive headache. Her mother did not even spare her the privilege of missing school after what happened yesterday. She turned to Damilare who was sitting on the table next to her. I guess they did not give him the privilege either, she thought.

Hope winced when she felt a pang of headache. Why was it so noisy? Hope threw death glares at everyone in the class. Some people were whispering and throwing sneaky glances in her direction. They would jump and face the other way when their gaze met hers. She knew what they were all talking about.

After the Principal was threatened yesterday by her mother, Mama Ola had also called regarding the whereabouts of her Damilare. In panic, the Principal started calling the parents of every student asking if their children had returned home safely and if so, whether they had seen Damilare and I. So now, everyone wants to know the full gist of what happened yesterday.  Some people had begun to spread fake rumours to satisfy their thirst.

Hope shook her head in frustration. She already had enough on her plate. Yesterday, immediately she stepped into the house, her mother sat her down and demanded explanations. Mama Unique had pulled her ear with brute force when she found out that they were the ones that locked themselves in by accident. How can you be this foolish? She said.

Hope was in great pain. She had not eaten anything for the past five hours except for the doughnut she shared with Damilare. She did not have the strength to fight with her mother. Thankfully, her father came to her aid and freed her from her mother's clutches. Her mother stood up from her seat, tightened her wrapper, glared at her pointing a finger at her face.

"Get ready, one of these days, I will take you to the hospital to do a virginity test. God knows what you did with that rascal behind closed doors."

Tears welled up in Hope's eyes but she blinked them away. She quietly retrieved her things and retreated to her room ignoring Unique and her Father's stares of sympathy. She locked her bedroom door behind her and collapsed on her bed. She had never been so humiliated in her life. She went missing for hours and the first thing her mother did was accuse her of immorality.

I will be leaving very soon, Hope thought. She could not wait to take her exams next year and apply to a University far away from home. God knows that she will not return to this house.

The bell rang drawing Hope's attention. Thank goodness, she thought. She had not paid attention to any classes today. She brought out her packed lunch and bowed her head as she ate. A tap on the shoulder interrupted her. She raised her head to see Kyla and Maris standing, staring at her. She continued eating, not sparing them another glance.

"Babe, you have to tell us what happened yesterday. What happened to you and Damilare? What did you guys do?" Kyla asked, sitting next to Hope.

Hope raised a brow at them, inquiring what they were talking about.

"Don't pretend. Everybody has seen the portrait of him that you painted in the art room." Maris pointed out, "I thought you hated the boy. I guess things changed overnight." She said in a sultry tone.

"And so?" Hope asked. She was not going to waste her time with them.

"There is no way a teenage boy and girl will be in the same room for five hours and nothing will ensue." Maris said as a matter of fact.

Kyla moved closer to Hope, worldly mischief filled her eyes, "So tell us, did you guys kiss?" She whispered, then giggled.

The food on Hope's mouth suddenly became tasteless. She eyed them in aversion and disdain, "Please, get out of my sight before I lose my appetite." The coldness in her voice sent chills down the spines of Kyla and Maris.

"It is just a question, calm down." Kyla said standing up, giving Hope some space. She was afraid that Hope was going to hit her.

"Do not ask me such questions next time. I am not like you guys."

"What are you implying, that we are whores?" Kyla barked out.

"You said it yourself," Hope calmly replied.

Kyla wanted to say more but Maris held her back, "Let us just go." she said before pulling Kyla out of the class.

Hope couldn't be bothered about them. She was done with them. If she could not have peace at home, she at least deserved to have peace in school.

"Ignore them," Someone said behind her. She flinched and turned back. It was Damilare, "Don't listen to any of them. They are just nosy." He added, sitting next to her.

Why was everybody invading her privacy? Wasn't it obvious she was not in the mood to talk?

"So, how are you doing? How is your family doing? I hope you slept well."

"Damilare, what do you want?" Hope snapped at him.

"I come in peace," He said raising his hands in surrender. "Are you coming to church on Sunday? I have not seen you for some time now."

"Yes, I will." Hope continued eating her food with a frown. The food had lost its flavour already.

Damilare scratched his head nervously. He knew his presence was not welcomed but he needed to speak with Hope, "Have you given a thought to what I said before? Are you willing to assist us? We need hands on this." He told her.

"I still can't help you."

"But why? It is going to be fun. There are a lot of activities and games. You can also convince your sister to join too." He tried to persuade her.

Hope stared him dead in the eye, "I am not interested." She closed her flask of food and put it away. She felt like throwing up.

Damilare's resolve cracked, staring at her face. Her nonchalance to the affairs of God still baffled him. The most annoying part is that her mother supported this disinterest of hers. He wished he could slap some sense into her but alas, he could not hit a girl.

"The lord told us to serve him in our youth."

"I do serve him."

"No, you don't," Damilare refuted. He didn't know what came over him but he had a sudden urge to speak, "If we refuse to praise God, He will raise up stones to do so. Do you really want to be replaced? Do you want to get devoured by God's sword-"

"Are you threatening me?" Hope interjected, annoyed by his words, "I don't get it. Why are you pestering me? Am I the only teenager in church? I am sure they are lots of people who refused to participate but why am I the only one you are bothering?"

"God is interested in you, Hope. You better come to him before it's too late." Damilare stood up and left the class, leaving Hope very disturbed.

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