Chapter 6

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People were buzzing in and out of the church building. That was the first thing Hope noticed as their car pulled up in the church's parking lot. She knew deep down that she was going to hate this particular Sunday.

Hope, Unique, and Mama Unique descended from the car and strolled majestically into the church building. Mama Unique was wearing a three-piece set agbada paired with high heels and jewelry. She always made sure she and her daughters were dressed in the latest trends, she changed their closet every three months just for that purpose. She claims she does it so her children would not be looked down on in any social gathering which included church service.

Hope hated going to church. It was filled with hypocrites and pretentious people like her mother who just went to church to show off their new Gucci handbag. The church was ladened with arrogant and pompous men who paid for customised seats because they didn't want to sit in plastic chairs like commoners. It was crammed with snobby teens who used the church as a stage to parade themselves like Kyla who once told her that she joined the choir so that she could wear sexy outfits and make boys fall for her.

This was the church Hope knew. Though they called themselves Christians, they did not go to church because of God. They were all benchwarmers. Her family did not even have a Bible in their home. They were not active churchgoers, they only went to church when it was suitable for them.

As they entered, the ushers directed them in opposite directions. Mama Unique went to sit with the other genteel women. Hope and her sister went to the row where the teenagers were to sit. Since it was youth Sunday and the teenagers were assisting them, they were allowed to join the main church instead of staying in their teenage church.

Hope and Unique sat side by side. The row was scanty and only a few of them were sitting. Others were participating in one activity or the other. Those of them sitting were the unserious ones who refused to contribute to the program, This made some elders and some teenagers throw glances of disapproval at them but Hope was unruffled. Who were they to judge her? Everyone was a hypocrite. At least I am true to myself, Hope thought.

The service was fleeting. In no time, the Youth president mounted the pulpit to give his sermon. He led a short worship before proceeding to preach. He stared at the congregation with no trace of nervousness in his eyes.

"Praise the Lord, every one. Today, I am going to be speaking on the topic, DON'T REJECT GOD." Hope frowned when she heard the topic. The youth president continued, "Our Bible verse will be taken from Matthew 10:33, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."

"There are some of us here, especially the teenagers, that they have to beg to attend service. They do not want to participate in any activities in the church. I beseech you today to repent." While saying this, Hope could have sworn he was looking right at her.

Everything else was a blur and before they knew it, the closing prayer was being said. Everybody took their things and started leaving.

Hope and Unique met with Mama Unique who still discussing with some women. As they were waiting for her to finish, Damilare approached them.

"Good morning to you both." He bowed slightly at Unique.

"Good morning and Happy Sunday." Unique answered. She was surprised that Damilare was speaking to her. It was the first time he ever approached them.

"Hope, can I speak to you?" Unique immediately excused them. "So, did you enjoy the service?" He asked. He was putting on a blue suit with a matching tie. The first two buttons of his long-sleeve shirt were undone and his tie hung loosely around his neck.

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