Chapter 1

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Spencers POV

"Why weren't we called in earlier?" Hotch asked the head of Florida police department. I glanced over my shoulder briefly before returning my attention back to the evidence board before me. I was trying to remain as calm and composed as possible since this was only my 5th case on the team but this one was tearing me up. 14 girls and counting have gone missing over the last year, one a month and no one thought to call us in until the first 2 went who went missing were found dead. "We didn't think to call you guys in because no one reported them missing." The head exclaimed causing all of us to look at him in confusion. "how is it possible that a new teenage girl goes missing on the first of the month from the same school and no one thinks to report it." Gideon exclaimed, gesturing wildly with his hands before standing from his seat and beginning to pace the room.

"Brookside high is a behavioral school, meaning the girls that attend are enrolled there by their parents who don't want to deal with them, most of which come from the foster system when they're labeled as 'difficult'." Another police officer in the room explained, pushing off the wall as she walked towards the board. "And how many of the victims were from the foster system?" I asked her, not taking my eyes off the board, "9, including the 2 that were already found." She said gesturing vaguely towards the crime scene photos of 2 teenage girls that had been tossed into a garbage bin. "Going back through medical and academic records provided by the school a pattern seems to be emerging." I explained looking closer at the pictures and seething.

"The unsub is killing and dumping the bodies in order of when they were abducted. First was Samantha Becket who went missing on February 1st, next was Katie Harrison who went missing on March 1st." I explained, pointing to each girl respectively in our timeline. "And that would mean, our next victim should be Alyssa Watson." I said, pointing to the third girl who'd gone missing. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Something about her made my heart jump; she was just a kid, she was scared and alone and i was determined to find her. "We have a lead to a factory 20 minutes away from one of our undercover agents." The sargent offered to which Gideon nodded. "Okay, we'll send a bug in to scope the place out then if the girls are there we'll send in swat." Hotch said nodded at Gideon's plan before standing up and closing his file.

We were parked outside a run down factory when the sargent called everyone over the earpiece saying that the bug found the girls but he's been shot so they were sending in backup. I hadn't passed my certification yet so i waited outside with a hand full of officers and agents until the building was secure, the whole time i listened closely to the comms. A few of the girls were found in the same room in the basement of the factory while others were with 'clients'. The thought of grown men taking advantage of these girls made me sick. Before i knew it we were told to come in, passing at least a dozen men who were being taken out in handcuffs. I was send down to the basement to help get the girls and with one final breathe i descended the stairs.

Alyssa's POV

We heard a yelling and gunshots being fired up stairs and immediately assumed the worst; the bastard who kidnapped me was cleaning us out. We'd heard the news about Sam being found and just assumed it was an angry client but when Katie didn't come home a few days ago we all knew something was wrong. The only thing i knew was that if the killings were going in order of when we were taken then i was next and i was terrified. My best friend Melanie must've had the same thought as me when she heard the gunshots so she pulled me to my feet and we ran to the very back of the room where out beds were and rolled under one. I struggled to get down on my hands and knees and tried to get under but before i could fully get under the door was kicked down and 3 men with guns stormed in.

I dropped, feeling a sharp pain in my lower abdomen as i forced myself under the bed. Despite not eating much my stomach has been very bloated the last few months and it was only getting worse. One of the men announced that they were the FBI coming to save us and all the girls began to cheer, some crying and clinging onto the men. I sighed in relief and rested my forehead on the floor; I would finally be free. "Come on Lyss, were getting out of here." Melanie practically flew out from under her bed while i struggled to shimmy out. As we made our way to the front room Melanie gasped, "Alyssa, you're bleeding." I followed her eyes to see a large circle of blood pooling in my shirt. "Help! my friend is bleeding!" Melanie yelled. I felt myself slipping out of her grasp and all i saw before i hit the floor was a young man in an FBI vest and 2 medics running into the room.

Spencers POV

We heard a girl yelling for help and ran into the room as she hit the floor. A young blonde girl was crouched over her, looking up at us with teary eyes and begged for our help. I got down on my knees before her and gently rolled the girl onto her back. I immediately recognized her as the girl who we predicted was going to die next and seeing her still here gave me some hope. The paramedics got right to work, "Alyssa can you hear me, I'm Agent Spencer Reid, we're here to help you. If you can hear me squeeze my hand." I said in a clear voice, taking a hold of her small, cold hand. I could feel her hand twitch in mine but she clearly didn't have enough energy to squeeze it. "I think shes going into shock." I whispered, pressing 2 fingers to her neck only to find a weak pulse, so weak i though for a moment that id imagined it.

"Her BPM is dropping, we need to get her out if here now." The paramedic said as a glanced at the monitor snd saw that her pulse was only 42 beats per minute and her blood pressure was skyrocketing. They got her onto the gurney before making their way up the stairs. "Is she going to be okay." The blonde girl cried as i turned my attention to her. "The paramedics are trying their best, would you like to go in the ambulance we her?" I asked the young woman who id recognized as Melanie Monroe. She nodded vigorously before i helped her up the stairs and into the ambulance. "Check her over when you get a chance. I'll meet you at the hospital." I told the paramedics before closing the door and jogging back to the car, "please Alyssa, you have to make it."

Because Of You~ Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now