Chapter 6

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Spencer's POV

"What do you mean they passed the polygraph, how is that even possible?!" Alyssa nearly shouted as we walked out of the interrogation room. We've been here for nearly 2 days and these guys weren't budging. "There has to be something they're hiding. No innocent person would just sit there and take this. They'd be running around, swearing up and down that they don't know anything." She rambled, the stress of the last few days mixed with a lack of sleeping was definitely getting to her but i could also sense something else wrong. "Alyssas right. We need to wear them down. Do whatever you guys have to do to get a confession- within our guidelines." Hotch said, pointing at Morgan for the last part who groaned in annoyance before him and Rossi went back into the interrogation room to start back on Sydney.

"Reid, i want you and Watson to get back in there and stay on Jimmy. The way his demeanor switched when the camera was beeping is a dead give away that he's more than capable of this." We nodded at his instructions before leaving the observation room and making our way down the hall. "So how do you wanna play this? Good cop, bad cop?" I ask quietly as we reached Jimmys room. "Ooo, i wanna see you be bad cop." She whispered, laughing quietly before calming herself down and opening the door. "Hi Jimmy, I'm Agent Watson. Im sorry i didn't get a chance to come in earlier." Alyssa smiled brightly, sitting down gently in the chair before folding her hands infront of her. "Its uhh, okay..." Jimmy responded, confused by her introduction as no one had gone into the room like that.

I paced behind her with my arms crossed over my chest, glaring at him occasionally. "Okay jimmy, im going to ask you again, why were you late to work?" Alyssa asked for the third time after receiving half assed round about answers. I could feel her loosing her cool after 20 minutes of getting almost nothing from him so i decided to step in. "And don't just tell us you slept in because in your time working at the dock you've never been late." I seethed, bringing both my hands down on the table hard making both of them jump. She subtly smirked at me before composing herself. "Reid relax, im sure Jimmy here will tell us anything we need to know. I mean, if you have nothing to hid then then why lie, right?" She giggled almost flirtatiously, tucking her hair behind her ears and looking us at him through her eyelashes.

I felt a pang of jealousy as i watched her work up the suspect. I know shes just doing her job but God does she look good doing it. I shook off the thought and returned to grilling him, the envy i felt only adding to my 'agression'. "But you have been lying to us, haven't you? Now im going to ask you one more time, why were you late for work?!" I exclaimed, getting in Jimmy's face. He stammered nervously, admitting that he'd been out late that night. We both raised our eyebrows as kate was supposedly dropped off around midnight. We realized we weren't going to get much more out of him so we left the room to reconvene with the team. "nice work, doctor meanie." Alyssa said with a smirk as we walked down the hall to talk to hotch, "you too, agent giggles." I responded, laughing as she hit me on the chest, "i mean it worked didn't it?" She asked rhetorically, cant disagree with that.


Alyssa's POV

"Well that did not go as i expected." I chuckled as we walked into the bullpen the next evening. Jimmy ended up confessing to going back to kates room after he dropped Syd off and taking her out on his boat to dump her. Thank god she was a good swimmer because we found her badly burnt and dehydrated holding onto a buoy for dear life. "I didn't know he had it in him. I mean sure i thought he had a hand in it but after Syds cocky showing i was sure he was the dominant." Morgan agreed as he sat down to do some of his paper work. "Welp, i guess we can never judge a book by its cover." Emily agreed, taking her seat as well before logging into her computer. I excused myself before making mu way up to hotchs office.

When i knocked he looked up briefly before motioning for me to come in. "Hey hotch, umm, would it be okay if i did my paperwork tomorrow? I got a call on the jet that Madison wasn't feeling well and-" before i could finish hotch told me it was no problem as tomorrow was a work day anyways and he hopes she feels better soon. Hotch is the only person on the team that knows about my daughter, I'm not a very open person about my personal life and i usually like to keep work and family seperate. I knew id eventually well them i had a child but i just wasn't ready to tell them something so personal yet. "Hey are you okay, you look pale." JJ asked as i walked back to my desk to grab my things. "Yeah i just have to deal with something at home." I replied with a tight lipped smile before wishing everyone a good night.

Before i knew it i threw open the front door of the house and was immediately met by the sound of crying coming from upstairs. I kicked off my shoes and ran up, opening Maddy's door and finding her sitting in bed, clutching a garbage can to her chest while Melanie rubbed her back. "Mommy!" She cried as she caught sight of me standing in the doorway. I felt tears stinging my eyes as i sat on the bed, shooting Melanie a thankful look as she grabbed the garbage and left the room. I pulled her into my lap and stroked her back as she clutched onto me for dear life. "Mommy, why are you crying?" She asked, looking up at me and wiping away my tears, "i just feel bad that i left you while you were sick." I sniffled, "well you're here now, thats all that matters." She smiled, hugging me tighter. What did i do to deserve her?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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