Chapter 3

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"Bye baby, ill see you when i get home." I whispered, giving my daughter Madison a kiss on the cheek before tip toeing out of her room and making my way downstairs. I was startled by the sound of whistling coming from the kitchen until i saw Melanie standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed as she watched the coffee pot fill. "Jesus Christ Mel you almost gave me a heart attack. What are you doing up already?" I asked, opening the fridge and pulling out milk for the coffee as well as the lunch id packed the night before, "i wanted to see you off on your first day." She smiled goofily at me before grabbing 2 mugs from the cabinet and filling them with coffee.

"Its a new job Mel, not my first day of school." I rolled my eyes jokingly, thanking her for the cup and making my way to the table. "Exactly, this is huge Lyss, you've been dreaming about this day for 10 years. Agent Alyssa Watson." She smiled, gripping my arm as she took a sip from her cup. "You're right. Im honestly so nervous." I admitted quietly, staring into my cup of coffee. "What are you nervous for? You graduated early with a bachelors in Psychology, you were one of Florida's best police officers, hell you got your GED while working full time AND taking care of your own apartment WITH a newborn at 18. This is going to be a piece of cake." She rambled all the while i just smiled down at my cup.

"You're right, god what would i do without you Melanie?" I asked, giving her a hug from behind before walking over to the sink. "You'd probably be late because you have to be there at 6 and its already 5:40." She said, making me almost spit my coffee out as i looked up ay the clock. "You're right. Thanks Mel! Ill see you when im done work, give the girls a squeeze for me will you?" I called as i scrambled around the house, grabbing my bag and slipped on my shoes. "Of course, drive safe." She smiled, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen while i flew put the front door. I got up the elevator at exactly 6 o'clock and stared in awe for a moment at the set of glass doors infront of me.

This is it, the moment ive been waiting for since that day in April 10 years ago. I quickly walked in, smiling at a man who held the door open for me before walking up stairs and knocking on agent Hotchners office door. "Come in." He called from within. With one final deep breath i walked into the office to find him looking closely at a thick file. "As serious as ever, you haven't changed a bit." I smiled, trying to act like i wasn't going to throw up. "Miss Watson, you look well. How have you been and how is your daughter?" A ghost if a smile played on his lips as i stepped further into his office. "We've been good thank you. You haven't aged a bit." I smiled, taking a seat infront of him as he motioned me to do so with a brief chuckle.

"Were glad to have you on the team Alyssa, your supervisors spoke very highly of you as well as your professors." He said making me blush, i never was good at getting compliments. "Well its always been my goal to get here and work with the people that had such a big impact on my life. Is anyone from that team still around?" I asked as he handed me over some papers to sign. "Just one, Agent Reid." He said and i felt my heart rate quicken. I never forgot about his kind eyes and knowing id get to work with him meant everything. "We actually got a new case just this morning. Hope you brought your go bag because were going to Indiana to investigate a string of homicides." He said standing from the desk and making his way down the isle to a conference room at the end.

Once we got in there i noticed a woman with orange hair standing infront of a presentation board. "Garcia, id like you to meet the newest member of our team, this is agent Alyssa Watson." Hotch said prompting the woman to turn around. She pushed up her glasses before placing the tablet she'd been holding down on the table and walking towards me. "Nice to meet you, my name's Penelope but most people around here call me Garcia." She smiled brightly, shaking my hand. I smiled back before taking a seat at the table. "Ill go call everyone in, pull up the slide show Garcia." Hotch said before walking back out into the hallway. While Hotch was gone Penelope immediately started asking me questions and cracking jokes, maybe i was nervous for nothing.

Spencer's POV

Id just walked in with morgan as he was telling me about his weekend when Hotch called us up, saying we had an urgent case that needed our immediate attention. The second we walked into the room i stopped in my tracks, making JJ bump into me, "woah Spence, are you okay?" JJ asked quietly before she followed my eyes to the brunette sitting at the table. "Everyone this is Agent Alyssa Watson, she's joining our team." Hotch announced and my heart speed up. I knew she looked familiar but once i heard that name i knew exactly who it was. She turned around in her chair and faced us, smiling as she held her hand out to Emily who was the first to walk up to her. "Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you." She said, taking her hand and shaking it.

The rest of us piled in to meet her. I was last to shake her hand and i wasn't sure if she remembered me so i tried to play it cool and introduced myself as normal, "Dr. Spencer Reid." I smiled, sighing in relief that my voice stayed even. "Its nice to meet you again." She said which made me smile even wider. "I didn't think you'd remember me Alyssa, that was so long ago." I said, taking a seat beside her. "Of course, you don't forget the first person you wake up to in the hospital. Im more surprised you remember me." She chuckled. "Of course, you were one of my first cases." I chuckled, shoving my hands in my pockets to stop the shaking. "What is going on here?" Morgan asked from beside me, causing the 2 of us to turn our attention to him.

"Alyssa was a victim in one of my first cases." I said as she nodded along beside me though i could feel her tense up, i immediately felt bad for how i said it. "The good this team does, the help they gave me is the reason i went into law enforcement with the goal to get here. I just wanted to make a difference." She concluded, all the while Hotch wore a soft smile, something he didn't do often. "Okay, let's get onto the case. Go ahead Garcia." Hotch said, finally taking a seat at the table. "Yes sir, we have several sex workers in Indiana go missing then turn up dead days later. All of which appear to be strangled to death." Garcia started. "are those ligature marks on the wrists and ankles?" Alyssa asked, squinting to see the pictures.

"good eyes my sunflower, they all appear to have been bound tightly for long periods of time with very thin rope." Garcia nodded, skipping to the next slide that showed a close up of the neck which showed excessive bruising. "The strangulation appears to have been done by hand which takes 33 pounds of pressure to be applied for 4 to 5 minutes so not only would this person have to be extremely strong but they would have had to have rage towards the victims to carry out this level of overkill." I explained and blushed when i found Alyssa staring at me. I chalked it up to her just not being used to my rambling but for some reason i felt something I'd never felt before; i wanted her to keep staring.

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