chapter one

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This is dedicated to kikiluvs for being the first reader to comment on my first book.kiki,you do not know how much that meanns to me.thanks..:-)

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I love writing this.

As usual,I stillll go with the mantra!!





It'd been a long humid afternoon. Really long.I'm kinda surprise that I've not fallen over in exhaustion yet.

All I'd been doing for two days straight was unpacking so I pretty much didn't have time for any other thing on my to-do.

Back at new York I'd had alot planned out , you know.I didn't even think it'd take as much time as this. And there was still so much to do.

And yes,I decided to take a break. With pizza. My uncle, Frankie ,would so skin me alive if he sees me right now..

And talking about right now, I'm plonked down on a couch I managed to pull out from one of the huge carton boxes in my horribly disorganized room,eating pizza I hurriedly and secretly ordered like I was starved.

Well its not like I wasnt starved.I just said that know....never mind.

I stuffed another bit of pizza into my mouth and moaned at how heavenly it tasted. This wasn't so bad.I mean its not like I wasn't going to continue unpacking after this.

Uncle Frankie busts into my room,his eyes wide with glee,enthusiasm and something close to madness.I forgot to mention that my uncle is like the craziest man you'd ever get to meet.

He's an artist. The kind that's calm and civilzed for a second then turns all crazy and wild when inspiration hits. Its like you never can tell what he's thinking so I make sure I'm safe at all times.

And yeah did I mention that my uncle does really stupid things when he's in his 'lookoo' state as I call it? Well,there I said it :D

"What the hell?!"I jump to my feet,taking my pizza along with me. He's wearing his favourite paint-stained shorts on a lemon green polo shirt and flip-flops.

"I got it! I got it,sky! Remarkable!! Splendid!!"he yelled like his life depended on it,breaking into a wide grin."I'm a genius."

"Got what?" I play along. Since he's so cut up in this,I could pretend being interested and then,he'd forget I was even holding a pizza.

"The last stroke for the piece I've been working on. Remember?"

"Yeah.I remember alright."I smile. Of course I don't know the piece he's talking about. He's got so many of those bloody things up in his studio!! But Its all part of the plan.

"I was thinking ,you know after I completed the piece maybe we could talk about the schools recommended in town." His eyes were still wide and alive but now he looked just a little bit calmer than before.

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