chapter three.

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Hey there guys!!! For some stupid reason, I am so in hhappyyyyyyyyy right now. Call it psycho or whatever but it feels good

"You fall in love with the person you least expect to fall in love with."
       - Isa Amina

Here goes part two/second part.

Its recess and I've got a girlfriend now.

....I am not gay.I mean a girl that's a friend and she's awesome. Her name's Lucy summers and she's been practically my only guide around river lake since Shane left after homeroom. The thing is we only have two classes together which is chemistry and gym, both subjects I do not like.

So right now, Lucy and I are hanging out on one of the benches at the front of the main building for recess. From what I know she's from Kentucky, her parents are both lawyers and she loves one direction (seriously?).

She's the sanguine type, bubbly and hyper with a blonde pixie hair cut and green sparkly eyes. You definitely couldn't be bored around Lucy. She always had something interesting to talk about.

Like right now.

"Yeah and I saw you walking with Shane Rivers this morning. Could your life be any better?"

"Shane? No, Shane's just a friend."

"A hot friend. He's the quarterback for the football team. One of the hottest guys on river lake's most wanted list,right after Damien o'halloran." She winked. How was I supposed to know? I knew he was like cute and all and well, wanted from the way girls by the hallway kept staring at him this morning but I didn't think he was that wanted.

And then Lucy's goes quiet for some reason and keeps staring at something in particular behind me.

That's weird.

"Lucy?" I called, waving my hands in her face. But surprisingly she didn't budge. Her green eyes just kept at whatever it is that had her attention.

"Huh?" She murmured.

"What's behind me that has you literally staring?" I asked.

"I am not staring." She gasped." I'm just simply admiring from afar." Her eyes moved slightly, going to the left. What had her so hooked? She was driving me insane.

"Then what are you admiring from afar?"

"Oh just him." She said quickly, her eyes still doing its job. I groaned and shook her shoulders so hard she had to listen.

"Who's him?" I poked her. She grabbed both sides of my face and positioned my face to look directly at the stairs leading to the hallway. All I could see were people, loads of 'em moving around.

"I see people, Lucy." I smiled sarcastically.

"Are you blind or something?" She shook my head, clearly getting frustrated. I bit my lip to hold in the laughter threatening to escape.

And I'm glad to say that I actually made an effort to spot whoever Lucy was so interested in.

I looked beside the stairs.

I could feel my forehead turning into a crease.

"That's the Damien parks." Lucy declared.

From afar, I could feel the heat. This aura radiating  from him. Striking dark features. Definitely the bad boy. But this guy didn't just scream bad.

There was something else. Something I just couldn't point out.

And then he looked right at me. My throat became dry and for a moment, I couldn't breathe as I stared back at him. It was like something foreign was left hanging in the air, waiting to be recognised.

I gulped. And finally looked away.

"He's by far the hottest this school has ever seen. Since he moved in last fall, it was like everyone couldn't help but notice him." Lucy gibbered.

"He's so freaking hot. And he has this mysterious bad-boy look you can't seem to get enough of." She said wistfully.

If she said one more word about this Damien guy, I was gonna shove something down her throat. Something she definitely wouldn't like.

"Stop staring. You make it look like he's air itself." I hissed.

"He's just so gorgeous." I cringed on the inside. What was so gorgeous about a guy dressed in all black??

"He hardly talks to anyone. And that just makes him even more mysterious and sexy as hell." Her voice had a slight husky touch to it.

I was gonna puke any second now.

"Gee.You're creeping me out already with the way you keep dropping  facts about this Damien guy. Which is supposedly meant to get me interested. "

"I have a special liking to this guy, Sky. Deal with it." She slapped my arm.

" I have a feeling that you aren't the only one with a mighty crush on the jerk." I said.

"Yeah. I've got competition but i'm not so into him if you know what I mean. And I'm definitely not obsessed."

I smirked." I hear ya."

"I'm seriously not that into him. He's hot and itd be unlike any teenage girl in her right senses not to notice that."

"Uh uh. It'd be like really normal for them not to notice. Seriously, who likes someone like that?." Lucy laughed.

"You .....s..should see how....pai... pained you look now." Lucy said amidst laughter. And now I looked stupid.

The bell went the second after. Recess was over.

"I'd just pretend like I didn't see what you just did now. Let's go." She grinned ruefully and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the main building.

And what I did next kinda surprised me. No, the right sentence should be that I actually surprised myself.

I glanced back at the staircase and he was gone.

I, Skylar Marie Jenkins just practically glanced back to check on some weirdo in black. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what I did.

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