chapter four

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Heyyy. Here goes chappy four...... Hope you enjoy it and puhleeeeeze click on the vote and comment button alright?? You know how obsessed I am with feedback. Wuv you guys soooou much!



Its the sixth period and I'm having math class. I love math. Sounds geeky?? Well hell yeah I still love math. And this man right in front of me claiming to be my math teacher is so spoiling that.

No offense but he is booorrriiinggggg.

I never thought I'd find math boring but he just proved me wrong. So I turn to my only hope of escape you all are quite familiar with.


I start with drawing a heart with an arrow through its middle. Next I tried drawing cupid with a bow and arrow but that didn't end well and then I began to sketch a ribbon.

By the way, did I tell you that I'm HORRIBLE at drawing? Well now you know hehe.

I'm on my fourth sketch when a large shadow covers the surface of my notepad. Just great. Why did the apocalypse decide to come now just when I'm beginning to like my new school??

I look up and I realize that it is infact my math teacher. Damn, I don't even remember his name. I gulp. The eyes behind those large framed glasses did not look happy

Why was I like this? Could someone tell me why?

He cleared his throat. "Miss Jenkins, would you mind solving the problem on the board for the class to see?" He said, his eyes holding silent sarcasm.

I glance at the board and I scoff, inwardly of course. Did this man think he could scare me with the algebraic equation on the board? He was in for a big surprise then. I gave him a crooked smile, stood up and walked over to the board and I began to solve the equation.

I was done in a matter of seconds. Easy-peasy.

"There. All done, sir." I said, handing him the marker. The look on his face was oh so worth it.

"Thank you miss Jenkins." He was clearly fazed. I tend to do that a lot to people these days. Not all girls that don't pay attention in class prove to be dumb heads, Mister.

I walk back to my seat with the best callous expression I could muster.

So far my day had been going great and that was hardly what I thought it was gonna turn out be. I guess karma can have its good side then.

The bell goes.


I grab my backpack and rush out of the class into the hallway with my teacher still looking at me . And I bump into something relatively termed hard.I look up at 'hard'. And I freeze that instant.

I was looking into the most peculiar eyes I'd ever seen.

It was him.

"Could you please watch where you're going." He said, glaring at me distastefully. I hated this guy already.

I hated how intimidated he made me feel under his gaze. I hated his guts. I hated the stupid badass facade he put up for everyone to see. I hated him.

Dark and Dangerous.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin