chapter five

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"Skylar...." A soft velvety voice called out to me. I'd heard it before..somewhere but I couldn't place it. God, I loved this voice. It was obviously male. So quiet but obvious. I turned around and gasped. There standing next to me was Damien in all his perfect glory. Sharp angles and the ever perfect facial features. I held my breath, hoping this wasn't real.

"Skylar..." He smiled at me. I felt so...different that moment. I wanted him. I wanted to be.....No!! This wasn't real. I hated this boy. I wasn't supposed to want or want to be with him. I hated him.

"Get away from me." I pushed out my hands towards him but it went straight through him. I looked up at him and then I didn't recognize who he was anymore. His eyes were sinister, almost empty, blank.

"Do you really want that?" His eyes were so..... I began to run as fast as I could, away from him. I tried so hard but somehow he kept getting closer and closer........

I woke up immediately, drenched in sweat. My heart kept beating so fast that I thought it was going to pop out any minute. I was sure I looked like I'd just come back from hell. God, I hated having nightmares.

Especially nightmares about people I was supposed to be hating on. I supposedly wanted to be with Damien in my dream. That is hypothetically speaking of course. I hated Mr o'halloran and the last thing you want to do with someone you hate is being with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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