Chapter 7: Hinata's Journey

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The departure of Naruto Uzumaki had left an indelible mark on the lives of those who had known him in the Hidden Leaf Village. For Hinata Hyuga, his absence had brought a profound change, one that had shaped her into the person she had become.

In the years following Naruto's departure, Hinata had faced her own trials and tribulations. The weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled emotions had driven her to find her own path, one that diverged from the ninja she once was.

Hinata had always been known for her quiet demeanor and gentle spirit. She was an heir to the prestigious Hyuga clan, a lineage known for its powerful and enigmatic techniques. But beneath her tranquil facade lay a heart that had been touched by Naruto's unwavering determination and his belief in her.

However, the villagers' animosity towards Naruto had also extended to Hinata. She had become a target of their disdain, branded with the Cage Bird Seal, and shunned as an outcast within her own clan.

The Hyuga clan, known for its rigid hierarchy, showed her no mercy. Hinata was transferred to the branch family, a place of hardship and servitude, where the mark of the Cage Bird Seal weighed heavily on her. Even within the branch family, her suffering continued, as the lingering hatred for Naruto tainted their perception of her.

But despite the torment she endured, Hinata's spirit remained unbroken. She found solace in her training, channeling her pain and frustration into becoming a more formidable ninja. Her mastery over the Byakugan grew, as did her determination to prove her worth.

As the years passed, the memories of Naruto and the bonds they had shared remained etched in her heart. However, the pain and isolation she experienced had left its mark. Hinata's interactions with others had grown colder, her once-warm demeanor now guarded and distant.

One day, as she walked through the village, Hinata encountered several of Naruto's former friends, including Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and others. Their faces were etched with sadness and guilt, burdened by the memories of Naruto's departure and the subsequent turmoil.

**Sakura:** (with a heavy sigh) "Hinata... It's been a long time."

**Hinata:** (coldly) "Yes, it has."

The group exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting the weight of their actions—or inactions—when Naruto had needed them the most.

**Sasuke:** (genuine remorse) "Hinata, we... We're really sorry about what happened to Naruto."

Hinata's Byakugan eyes, once filled with warmth and understanding, now held only a cold and unforgiving gaze.

**Hinata:** "Sorry? You're all sorry? After everything he did for this village, you're just sorry?"

**Shikamaru:** "Hinata, it's not that simple. We—"

**Hinata:** (cutting him off) "You abandoned him. Every one of you. And now you're here, seeking forgiveness?"

The group fell silent, unable to meet Hinata's unwavering gaze. The guilt they felt weighed heavily upon them, but Hinata's heart had grown cold and unforgiving.

**Hinata:** "You can all leave. Just like you left Naruto. I want nothing to do with any of you."

Without waiting for a response, Hinata turned and walked away, leaving behind the friends who had once stood by Naruto's side but had abandoned him in his time of need.

As she continued her journey, the path ahead remained uncertain. But one thing was clear: Hinata's love for Naruto endured, and she was determined to carry it with her, no matter where her journey led.

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