🌸chap 15 - dont be scared🌸

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This oneshot is a millionare Dream x Cross lvl 20. Not requested by anyone. If u wanna request anything, you know what to do.


Dream was on an auction for millionares only with his brother. They were sitting on a chair next to eachother watching other millionares bid on random valuable stuff and creatures. Suddenly, a loud voice has spoken: "this one is the last and most valuable one for today, its not an item tho, this time, its a... Drums play please.... A WILD LEVEL 20 MONSTER!!" someone said.

While Nightmare ignored that, because he was busy reading, Dream looked up, to see 7 men holding thick chains. And at the ends of all the Chains, was a huge level 20 skeleton with a muzzle on his mouth, who was growling while trying to break free.

"2,34 MILLION!!" Someone yelled. "2,50 MILLION!!!" Someone else yelled.

...........it was quiet for a while, except for the monster growling.

"2,50 million call one.....2,50 million call two.....2,50 million ca-" "5 million" Dream suddenly said. Almost everything went silent once again.

"5 million call one... 5 million call two....5 million call THREE!!" Now everyone except for Dream and Nightmare started clapping.

Dream: "uhm..brother-?" Nightmare looked at his brother.

Nightmare: "Hm? Need something Dream?" Dream looked away a bit.

Dream: "i kiiiiinda just bought the lvl 20 monster...."

Suddenly, some guards came up to Dream. "Come with us" they said and looked at Dream. Dream stood up, with his brother doing the same and followed the guards to another room.

There, they saw the level 20 monster with a muzzle and a shock collar, being chained up in the cage. It growled loudly as it saw Dream approaching it. Then a gate opened and a big truck drove in. The guards opened the back door of it and one of them pointed a gun at the monster, making him growl again.

Dream: "what are you gonna do now?" The guard looked at Dream.

Guard: "im going to shoot him with a sleeping dart so he wont try to attack or escape durning this." He explained.

As he was about to shoot the monster, Dream squeaked: "wait!" The guard stopped and looked at Dream. "Can you..not shoot him please..?" Dream gave the guard the 'big eyes'. The guard sighed. "Alright, but if he kills the driver and both of you, ill blame you for it." Dream smiled as the guard put the gun away.

Then they somehow put the cage in the truck and closed the back door.

~•°when they got to the twin's mansion°•~

When they got there, the guards opened the back door of the truck and carried the heavy cage to the house, right to the big living room. The monster tried to destroy the cage he was in, but a guard pressed a remote that gave the monster an electric shock.

He whimpered loudly as he tried to scratch the shock collar off his neck. The guard handed Dream the remote. "Whenever he tries to attack you or something, just press this button." He said as he was on his way out.

When the guards were gone and Nightmare went to see his boyfriend Killer, Dream looked at the cage.

He slowly unlocked it and opened it. The monster was staring at Dream while growling loudly. Dream looked at the shock remote, which the monster noticed and quickly stopped growling and tried to get in the corner of the cage as much as he could.

Dream softly smiled and reached for the monsters collar, which made him whimper in fear a bit. To his surprise, Dream took the collar off and unlocked the chains he was tied with.

Dream: "hey, dont be scared, im not going to hurt you. Whats your name?" Dream said, not expecting an answer.

???: "C-..........ro...s.....s..." Dream looked the monster in the eyes. Then he took off the monsters muzzle and threw it on the ground.

Dream: "thats a really nice name Cross! Im Dream, nice to meet you!" Cross slowly approached Dream and sniffed him. Dream reached his hand to Cross' head to pet him, but He whimpered and got in the corner again.

Cross: "N-no...h-....hurt..pl-..le...as..e..." He said as he tried to hide in his hoodie. Dream got closer to Cross and petted his head. "Dont worry Cross, i would never hurt you" he smiled at the monster. He then petted Cross' big purple horns.

Dream: "wow, your horns are beautiful!" Cross smiled a little and enjoyed being petted by someone so nice. Dream then walked out of the cage and told Cross to follow him. Cross did as told, so Dream led him to his room.

Dream: "do you wanna read a book Crossy?" Cross looked at Dream.

Cross: "cro...s..sy..?" Dream nodded and smiled.

Dream: "yup! I wanted to give you a cute nickname because youre cute!"

Cross picked Dream up which made him squeak a bit, but then he sat on the floor and put Dream on his lap. Dream smiled and cuddled up to Cross' chest while grabbing a book.

They were reading together with Dream teaching Cross how to speak normally. After some hours, Cross could say a few things normally and was happy with it. Then, they heard a sound of unlocking doors and went to check it out.

When they got to the door, they saw Nightmare and Killer coming in. When Nightmare saw Cross out of the cage next to Dream, he quickly grabbed Killer's knife and pulled Dream closer to him.

Nightmare: "stay back bitch... Or i'll stab you" Cross whimpered and ran somewhere. Dream pushed Nightmare away.

Dream: "brother no! Hes friendly!" He said as he went to find Cross. When he found him, he was in his cage, sitting and whimpering. Dream opened the cage and petted Cross' skull.

Dream: "hey, theres no need to be scared, my brother was just worried. You can come out" Cross slowly stood up and hugged Dream. Dream hugged back and turned to his brother.

Dream: "see Brother? Hes harmless, just a bit scared." Nightmare grabbed Dream and looked at Cross. "If you dare to hurt my brother in any way.... I will personally cut your dick off, sell it on darkweb and abuse you until you die by the most painful way possible. You got it bitch?!" he growled at Cross as he hugged his Brother.

Cross whimpered as he quickly nodded and got to the corner of the cage once again.

Dream kicked Nightmare's between and hugged Cross. "Thats it brother! no cuddles for today! and Cross will get all the cuddles now...." Nightmare groaned as he walked away. Dream lead Cross to his room again and told him to sit on the bed.

A loud cracking sound was heard as Cross sat on the bed. The bed fell under Cross' weight. They both just stared....

Dream: "thats alright Crossy, i already needed a new bed anyway." He smiled at Cross and petted him. Suddenly, Cross picked up the smaller skeleton and put him on his lap, cuddling with him.

Dream chuckled and rested his head on Cross' chest while petting him. They both fell asleep some time later, so they didnt mind Nightmare doing somethingggg with Killer.

After some hours, everyone was now asleep, Dreaming about nice stuff, well except for Nightmare and Killer, who were Dreaming about the thing they did some hours ago.

~The End~

The bed: "why me"


Ofc its 21:29 cuz im too stupid to go to sleep like a normal person.

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