🌸Chap 17 - new buddy🌸

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PJ's daycare AU with cream, cuz i dont rlly like crossmare.....
Not requested by anyone. Also im happy ppl read this 😃
Onto le chapterrrrrrr

It was a normal day in Paperjam's daycare. Reaper was annoying Geno, Cross was spying on the apple twins, Killer was talking to outer, and more stuff.

Cross didnt have anyone to play with in the daycare, but he really wanted to be friends with Nightmare and Dream. He was just too shy to ask. One day, he saw Killer talking to Nightmare while smiling happily.

Cross only thought about how it would feel if he had a friend too. Since that day, he would always sit in the corner and watch how Dream hung out with Blue, or how Killer was playing with Nightmare.

some time later, PJ came up to him. "Heya Cross, is everything okay? You seem a bit lonely there." Cross looked at PJ but then turned around. "Im fine mr PJ." He said as he looked away. PJ just shrugged and walked away.

~•°a week later°•~

Nothing has changed for Cross in that time, right now he was having his lunch in the corner, when he heard someone sobbing from the other room.

He stood up and walked up to the door where it was coming from. "LISTEN HERE BASTARD, YOU GIVE ME YOUR LUNCH RIGHT NOW, OR I'LL BEAT YOU UP RIGHT NOW!!" Someone yelled. Cross took a look, to see Dream getting bullied by Fell.

Cross walked up to Fell with a death stare in his eyes. He grabbed Fell by the collar he had and threw him against the wall. Fell yelled some bad words, which alerted Fresh, who was trying to get PJ to marry him.

Fresh told PJ that he heard some bad words and that they should check it out. Meanwhile Cross grabbed Fell by the neck and stared him into the eyes. "Listen here Fell, if you lay a finger on Dream once more...i will make sure you never use that arm ever again." Fell stared at Cross in fear, while Dream's eyes widened as they turned into stars.

In that time, PJ grabbed Fell and Cross. "What is happening here-?" He asked in a mad tone. "F-fell wanted to steal m-my lunch, but C-cross defended m-me..." PJ looked at Fell. "Is this true Fell?" Fell groaned in annoyance and nodded.

PJ put Cross down and walked away with Fell in his arms, with Fresh following after him. As Cross was about to walk away, Dream jumped right at him and hugged him. "T-thank you for h-helping me Cross..." Cross looked at Dream and pat his head.

"Its nothing Dream, dont worry." He said and covered his face in his sweather. "Do y-you wanna be f-riends-?" Cross eyes widened as he heard that. Cross nodded in the thoughts of finally having a friend.

Dream smiled as he nuzzled in Cross' chest. "Wanna sit next to me at lunch?" He offered "sure Dream."

From now on, Cross wasnt alone anymore. Everyday, he would talk or play with Dream. And about Nightmare? He made his own group that he called 'the bad guys'. There was Error, Horror, Dust, Killer and him. They would make 'evil' plans on how to steal candies from the kitchen or how to prank mr PJ.

Even Fell, who didnt have friends, but it was his fault, had finally found someone who was lazy and calm enough to not care about him bullying literally anything that breathes.

Now everyone was happy.

~The End~

Nightmare: "alright, so heres the plan on stealing the chocolate..Killer, you will discract PJ and i....."


Its 4:49 in the morning-

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