chapter 6

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It was morning in the the town of Ormond, the sun was at its peak near over the mountains in the distance. The breeze set in as chilly, brushing over the trees that hung around your window sill.

It was a beautiful morning.


You had glanced at your clock, the robotic clock in which the time stayed. Reading it, the device only placed the time 9:04AM. It'd been an entire day later.

"Oh fuck dude, I'm late for school." Racing on your clothes, shoes, and keys, you take a moment to stop by the kitchen for a snack. Your eyes land on the calendar that was magnetized to the fridge door.

You pause, eyeballing the date carefully before turning on your phone.

"It's break already? Must've forgotten."

Since it was break, you didn't necessarily need your bag. Dropping the item, you decide to waltz your way back to the living room. It was decorated in a dark green, painted of a color of a fresh line tree. The couches were a dark leather, shining under the light that came through the crevasses of the blind of your home.

Taking a deep breath, you plummet your body into the sofa, sinking into the cushions.

"That hurt, a lot." You grip on your head, the pain searing through your brain and onto your skin. It was patched up with some kind of bandage, ones that you don't remember getting.

"What? I don't remember getting..." You open your digital camera, examining your frame. The blood had rested up top your head, dried and crusting between the locks of hair. It was still partially red, so it was quite fresh as you'd guessed.

"This is weird, this is really weird."

You try to remember what you'd done to get this injury, but nothing really comes to mind.

Instead of questioning it further, it was a better idea to clean the wound in case it got worse. Tucking your mobile phone into your pockets, you walk back up to your room.

The bathroom was a bit of a mess like your room, but in this case it was much cleaner then it by far. Water stains had been still on the mirror, you stare at your reflection for a moment.

It was much clearer then your camera, so you could see yourself better than before.

Aside from your hair being tangled, your eyes were a bloodshot red. The eyeliner you'd put on sometime before was streaming down your cheekbones. Curving around each corner, staining your skin with a black hue.

The shirt you'd worn was a bit dirty, smelling like iron and cigarettes. The iron scent most likely coming from the blood, which you wanted to wash off.

"So, waking up with a bit of a memory scramble along with an injury." You rummage through your basket, grabbing a few clothing items before running back to the shower, turning the nob for the water to run.

"I gotta call Julie about this later."

The temperature of cool water ran down your back, shocking you at a quick pace to the sudden change. Shivering, you warm up the water a little. The droplets scattered across your face, draining through the metal rack that sat near the drain.

It felt pleasant, relieving even.

A hefty knock echoed throughout the house, it came from the front door.

"Police, open up." A man had shouted. You jump at the voice, immediately running out the shower in a rush.

You'd already threw on whatever you had grabbed earlier, smoothing down your hair to look a bit presentable. Not that it'd matter either way.

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