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Sammie's POV

Tears fall from my eyes as I listen to the voicemail again and again. I don't cry much. Usually only when I'm angry but I can't stop.

This can't be happening.

My first instinct was to call Marcus. Tell him if he touches Billy that I will kill him myself. Hearing him threaten Billy had made my entire body fill with rage. It had also made me physically ill. Marcus wasn't lying. I know him well enough to know that he doesn't make empty threats.

My second option was Javi. Javi would put a bullet in his brain and not think twice about it. But what if he got hurt in the process? I couldn't live with myself.

This night had been perfect. Everything I ever wanted. I was happy. And Marcus is going to take it all away from me. And for what?

I knew he was a little controlling in his previous relationships but I didn't know he was like this. We aren't even dating. This isn't fair. This can't be real.

I wipe my tears and slowly make my way back to Billy. He's laying in bed where I left him, snoring softly. He looks like an angel when he's asleep. His face relaxed, his features softer than usual. His curls spread out on the pillow beneath his head. One curl is still resting against his forehead.

I grab Billy's shirt from the floor and slip it over my naked frame before grabbing my panties and stepping into them. I swallow hard trying to keep my emotions from spilling out. A tear manages to escape as I lean down and kiss his lips softly.

He shifts slightly, his head falling to the side before his snoring resumes.

"Te amo, Billy." I whisper softly before grabbing my heels and making my way out of his house, the tears falling freely now.

I walk quietly across the lawn and I see Javi sitting on the concrete steps.


He raises an eyebrow at my appearance. I know my hair is a mess. My makeup must look insane. I look down at Billy's shirt hanging loosely around my body.

"Hargrove?" Javi questions with a smirk, glancing over at Billy's house.

I want to tell him everything. Tell him how happy I was. How I had the perfect night. Maybe leaving out the details of Billy blowing my back out but I wanted to tell him about the feelings. The love I had felt so strongly. So easily.

My eyes fill with tears once again and Javi stands up quickly, his face twisted with anger.

"What did he do?" Javi sneers, his teeth clenched slightly. I quickly shake my head but I can't stop the tears.

I feel Javi's arms around me as I cry into his chest. "Talk to me, Samara." he presses and I shake my head as I soak his shirt. Again I say nothing. I can't speak. Not now.

He stops questioning me as I let all of my tears out. When I finally pull away he looks down at me, his eyes full of questions.

"It's not Billy. He didn't do anything. I promise." I sniffle, my voice coming out hoarse.

"Then who?" Javi asks, his voice softer this time.

"I don't want to talk now, hermano, please. I'm tired. But if Billy comes by, please tell him I can't see him right now." A lump fills my throat as I force the words out.

Javi nods once and I lean up to kiss his cheek lightly before heading to my room. I stare at my bed for a minute before changing my mind and quietly making my way to Maria's room. I climb in bed and snuggle up next to her, shutting my eyes. I'm so tired but my mind won't shut off.

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