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Summer Pups

Chapter 3:


Monday June 8, 2020


[Rocky's POV]

I was sitting in the living room watching TV and chilling. I wouldn't mind going outside if it was so damn hot. But to be honest, I would take that over raining. I hate the fact that after I get wet, I just smell terrible afterwards. It's not that I DON'T like water. I mean I still take showers and SOMETIMES baths but I meant water as in, beach or ocean water. It's too deep. I can't see anything below me. I have terrible aquaphobia. Sometimes I would go to an aquarium and look at all the fishes and stuff but in general, I don't like anything that swims below me. Back then I wasn't afraid of water but that was the same day I was terrified of it. The reason why is because I almost died that day. I remember when I was a little pup, I was at a water park with my family, including my grandad.

It was summer break. We all went to a water park. I didn't know how to swim then, and I don't know how to swim now. I was sitting alongside the pool with my legs in the water. I made sure to check which area I was in. The reason why I did that was because if there was an event where I accidentally fell in, I can easily climb out of the water. I was near the 3 feet zone. Or I thought I was. My grandad came up from behind me and asked me why I wasn't in the water. I told him that I didn't know how to swim.

"Then why are you here at the waterpark then?" Is what he asked me.

I was forced to. I couldn't stay with my grandma, she was out of town.

"That's nonsense, get in that water and swim!"

I told him again, I didn't know how to swim.

"Boy, stop that lying. Come on!"

He picked me up and threw me into the pool. He threw me into the 10 feet area. And to make it worse, I didn't know how to swim. I was frantically kicking trying to swim back up. I was barely at the surface trying to find the ledge. I was terrified because I was getting tired. I was wasting too much energy trying to "swim." I was about to give in, and sink until I heard him say:

"You better not drown! Swim!"

Luckily I was rescued by a lifeguard. I never looked or spoke to my grandad ever again after that. I was traumatized by that. I could never enjoy pools or beaches. My friends did TRY to help me overcome my aquaphobia, but I could never get over it. I will be like this forever, and I hate it.

I was about to go upstairs and get back to working on my grappling hook invention until I heard the doorbell ring. I got up to see who it was. When I opened it, I saw Zuma. Honestly, I was glad to see him. Zuma was actually the first pup I became friends with before.

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