A Thank You Would Be Nice

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Summer Pups

Chapter 14:

A Thank You Would Be Nice

Tuesday June 16, 2020

9:20 am

[Skye's POV:]

I was in the bathroom fixing up my fur. I've been up since seven in the morning. I didn't have any plans for today, or the rest of this week. I called Chase to see if he and Everest wanted to hang out with me and Marshall for the day. When I asked them, they said yes. I thought it would be really nice for us since we both have mates and we could treat this as a 'couples' day.

When I was finished, I left the bathroom but accidentally bumped into my brother. I immediately apologized and looked up at him. He didn't look so happy.

Skye: "So-Sorry about that! Did you have a great night?"

Astro: "Mhm."

He just brushed past me and went downstairs. I couldn't help but feel like something was off with him. It's like his personality was changing. He's like a completely different pup. Maybe he's just going through the motions and he'll be back to himself in no time.

I went into my room and I saw Marshall was just waking up. He's really a heavy sleeper. When I woke up first, I was thinking about playing around with him while he was asleep, but I decided to leave him alone. I jumped onto my bed and nuzzled him.

Skye: "Morning Marshy! How'd ya sleep?"

Marshall: "I-I slept..I slept alright-.."

Skye: "That's great! Hey, I talked with Chase and Everest and they want to hang out with us for the day. Is that alright with you?"

Marshall: "Uhm...Y-Yeah! That's fine!"

Skye: "Great!" You should get ready, and then we can head over to Chase's house since y'know...He needs to stay off his leg for a while."

Marshall: "Alright."

He got up and left the room. I wonder if he's doing alright. He wasn't as 'happy' or 'jumpy' like he usually was. Maybe it's because he just woke up. I can understand that.

[Chase's POV:] - 9:43 am

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