Chapter 1 2 3Racha Get Spotlight

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Mana POV


woke up the next morning to a shit ton of Instagram notifications. What the hell that's annoying. Opening them I see a few from Harley of memes.

The rest? "Hyunjin".

"Good morning ❣️"

"It's snowing today!"


"I wanna go watch the new Spider-Man movie."

"Can I come eat nachos with you and watch?"

"I'm so busy most times I don't know if I could ever watch it."

"Now I want nachos."

"Helloooo??? What kind of time zone are you even in?"

"Wow this is rude are you ignoring me?? 🥺"

"Sometimes I just lay here and question the meaning of life."

"Is it gonna be any different?"

"Why do you even like me?"

"Will you continue liking me?"

"Okay maybe I'm drunk."

"But we got a break I needed to celebrate."

"It's okay you don't have to respond, just listen."

"Should I cut my hair?" 

"Stay likes my long hair so I guess I won't"

"Do you like it? I like your opinion."

"Still not talking?"

"Okay my eyes are closing"

"Sleep well❣️"

What the fuck was up with that spam. Well... Just incase there's a possibility of it actually being Hyunjin.

"I was asleep. It's like 1pm here. Don't spam me whore. But if you really are Hyunjin (which I doubt), then do not cut your hair. But make it dark again or something, not fucking blonde!! And I like Hyunjin because he's a sweet sassy boy. He reminds me of TaeTae. But nini."

Sending my response I read it over again, finding it odd for a roleplayer to do. Maybe I should fuck with him more or something, but I am kind of worried.

He just went to bed around 8am so I doubt I'll hear from him for a bit. 

"Okay, if you're Hyunjin, prove it. Show me your dog."

Proud of my plan, I started watching some subs on YouTube. 

Harley POV

The first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone. Sending Mana a message to alert her I'm alive for the day. 

Clicking Felix's messages all I see is a voice message. Huh that's odd. I played it and...

I'm sorry what the fuck. That has to be an old message from bubble or something. I did call him a baby yesterday. It's easy to fake voice messages. There's no fucking way this is actually Felix. Ain't no way I'm that lucky in life.

After my momentary freak out, I sent back, "Why yes. Yes I do. And good morning to you."

I got a response almost instantly. 

"Good morning? You mean goodnight!"

"Yeah why are you still awake it's like 4am?"

"I can't sleep... I'm really nervous about this stage we're doing later. I practiced really hard. I just can't sleep. I'm scared I'm gonna fuck it up."

Well this seems... Sincere. 

"I'm sure you'll do amazing. Why are you so worried?"

"I have to sing... And it's in a low tone. I'm so nervous. I don't think I'm good enough at singing for this. Atleast I'll be with Chan. It's just... I'm a horrible singer."

Sighing, imagining the real Felix saying these things. It hurt my soul. 

"Hey, I think you sing wonderful. Your voice is so rich and the raspy undertones make it perfect for duets. And I'm sure with you practicing it'll go just fine! Chan wouldn't have put you there if he didn't think you could do it. You'll do amazing and woo everyone over and make people scream and cry at your amazing voice."

He typed for a few minutes and then stopped, Instagram saying he left the chat before popping back up a few minutes later that we were both in chat. 

All I got was, "Thank you 🤍"

Damn all that typing for that?? A few seconds later he's typing again.

"I have to go get ready for today. My voice is gonna be more closed because I didn't sleep.... You'll be watching right?"

"Of course!"

"Good. That's gonna help me."

"Oh I didn't eat brekky... I guess I'll go eat a carrot before today."

"You better have more than that."

'I will, I will."

"Good. If you really are Lee Felix then you need to take good care of yourself for your fans. Either way, take care of yourself for me!"

He left me on read. Uh oh.

I messaged Mana about this, telling her everything that happened. 

"I don't know, maybe the roleplayer is getting angry you're not playing along. Maybe you should play along more and see what happens?"

"I don't know. Either way they're a pretty cool person so I'd like to know them for them."

"And if by some force of dream land it is Felix?"

"Then, as I said before, I'm gonna shit myself. Maybe tell him I love him. If he doesn't block me first."

"He'll block you lol"

"Noooooo!!! Felix would love me 🥺"

"Changbin would steal your shit since he loves you."

"Shut up!!! He's yours!"

"Yeah okay, he loves you."

"How's things going with the Hyunjin boy?"

"I mean it's pretty interesting to see. I feel like it's a little off from what he'd actually do. They're getting a little annoying. I may block them."

"If you block them I block Felix"

"But you're having fun!"

"Then you gotta keep talking to yours!"

"Okay fine."

"Yaaaaay!! LUBS YOOOOOOUUU!!!"


I smiled at her. She's so great.

"I do!!"

"I know"


And with that I told her goodnight. I laid in bed for awhile before realizing what I was thinking about doing. I sent the message.

"Sleep well when you do, Felix. You deserve rest."

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