Chapter 37

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Harley's POV

I woke up to an empty hotel room and rolled around in bed for a bit finding my phone. It was around noon. I had a message from Felix telling me to be safe if I went anywhere and that he had a schedule until pretty late tonight so he probably won't see me. Then I saw I had a message from Chan.

"Hey, I realized Felix had a long schedule and I know Han's hanging out with Mana, and that means you're alone. So I was wondering if you were busy today doing stuff on your own (which would be dangerous and I'd worry about you) or if you'd like to come to the dorm and hang out with me while I try to get some work done? Of course you don't have to but I thought it would be fun!"

He had sent it at like 4am. Probably why it was so long and awkward sounding. I just smiled and laughed, he's so cute.

"Sorry, I just woke up, but I'd definitely love to come hang out and watch you work! I loooove watching you produce music. Those Channies rooms are my favorite! Plus I just planned on staying in the hotel all day bored. Also, why the hell were you awake at 4am Christopher istg."

A few seconds later he responded.

"Insomnia lol."
"Yeah I'd really like to hang out! I'll come get you in a bit?"

"Sounds good! Let me get ready and everything and I'll send you a message. Still in bed currently."

"I can't even judge, I am too."

"Yeah well you didn't go to sleep til after 4am. It makes sense."


With that I got up, taking off Chan's hoodie and putting it carefully on the bed. Then I got a shower and got ready, putting the hoodie back on and messaging him before getting something from the fridge for breakfast.

About 10 minutes after I sent the message I heard a knock on the door.

Chan stood there, he was wearing a black shirt and black basketball shorts, with a black beanie and black mask. Of course, it's Chan, what else would you expect.

I noticed him staring at the hoodie and immediately moved to take it off, "Sorry I thought if I put it on I'd remember to give it back..."

He grabbed my hand gently and shook his head, pulling it back down.

"Keep it on. I don't need it right now. It fits your outfit better anyway."

"Chan... I'm literally wearing all black, of course it's gonna fit it."

"That's why all my clothes are black!"

I laughed at him and shook my head before walking over and silently opening my suitcase, showing off the entire black wardrobe shoved in it, and ONE, one white shirt, which has stray kids on it.

He busted out laughing, "See!! You get it!"

I just laughed and shut the suitcase, going to the door, "alright, let's go, you were supposed to be working!"

He nodded and led me down to the car, where I settled in the passenger seat as usual and turned on the music. Chan sang along but I just hummed because it's Chan in the car. Until Domino came on and Chan was quiet so I jokingly did a rap part and he just laughed.

"I should have made you a member."

"Nah then you'd have to deal with me not knowing Korean and Lord knows you had enough of that with Felix back then." I said laughing.

"Oh yeah, a kpop group with 2 members who can't speak Korean. I could do it." He said laughing happily.

We pulled into the dorm and I got out, following him in. It was quiet and no one was there, so it was just us two. He lead me to his room, which I'd seen before but had never really been in.

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