Chapter 11

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Harley's POV

Waking up the next morning, I absolutely thought everything was a dream. It probably was, right?
Ain't no fucking way that happened.

Opening my phone, I saw a message from Mana and a message from Felix.

"So... That was a weird dream right?"

"No.... No I don't think it was." I responded to her first.

Now for Felix's message.

"Good morning!! ☀️ I hope today is a good day~"

God he was cute.... I just got that message from.... The literal fucking Lee Felix. What the hell did I do to get this? I tried to summon him as a joke but damn, I'm a powerful witch I guess?? What otherworldly being has my soul for this??

"Good morning Felix!! I hope you have a good day too! Hopefully not too busy! You deserve rest~"

He didn't read it and that's okay. Maybe I'll learn more about what he's actually busy doing now that I know he's real.

Mana however, responded.

"What even happened with Felix?"

"Well... I don't really know.... We just talked... Then he fussed at me for being awake so late because he saw the sun... So we went to bed... We just talked about like... How he's my bias and stuff I guess. It's so hazy, I was so tired but also so fucking nervous."

She laughed at me via Han laughing gif.

"And how did Hyunjin go?"

"Pretty much the same. We just talked... He complimented me a lot but like. That was a joke probably. He was sweet though and I told him I was proud of him."

"Awwhhh~ has he messaged today?"

"Yeah he sent me good morning. Said they were super busy today with something. I think they're preparing to go somewhere."

"Ahhh, that makes sense then... Interesting... We get inside info!!"

"Wonder if that means we could get free concert tickets or albums..."

"Keep seducing Hyunjin and maybe"

She sent me an angry gif and I just laughed.

"Unless you'd rather get Changbin's number?"

"No! You get it he's yours."

"No, Felix is."

"Oh, are you dating now?"

".... No.... But he's still my boy so..."

"This is gonna get weird knowing them forreal...."

"Maybe a little 🤣🤣"

I didn't get a response from her, but I got a message from Felix.

"Sadly, it is EXTREMELY busy today. I'll get rest soon though don't worry! Your words make me feel well rested already~"

Before I could send a response he sent another message.

"You can be my therapy LOL"

I snorted.

"I'll tell you nice words but I'm not gonna be your therapist unless you pay me rich boy."

"🥺 But I'm sad I can't talk to you while rehearsing"

My hear flipped. Why is he so cute?

"Well, then... Talk to me during breaks and you'll be fine."

"That's what I'm doing!!"

Mana And Harley's AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now