Chapter 4

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Harley's POV

I was half asleep when it occurred to me I was supposed to be watching the performance. It was common knowledge they were performing but we don't know what.

I jumped up and started searching, hoping I hadn't missed it. I found some posts about the show but none about stray kids yet. I turned an illegal stream of it on because that's the only place I could find.

Checking Instagram I see a message, "You're going to sleep? 🥺"
"I guess it is late there but you said you'd watch...."

I panicked, that was from an hour ago.

"I'm awake! I'm watching a stream of it as we speak! I'm sure it'll be amazing :3"

I saw it go to read quickly and then a message came.

"Yay. Watch me. I'm about to come on. Gotta go!"

I didn't really know how to rationalize this anymore, and at the moment I didn't really care. It felt like I was getting some sort of inside shit even if it was a fake Felix.

A few minutes later the performance came. It was perfect. His soft singing voice is amazing and I'd kill to hear more. I almost wanted to cry and how amazing him and Chan were. Plus his little face. I could tell he was super nervous.

I sent a message to the Felix when it ended.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT I'M CRYING. THAT WAS AMAZING?! The low tone, the soft singing. The harmonizing with her and Chan. The smiles. Oh my fucking goooood!!! I would literally kill for more of that."

I waited maybe an hour, before getting a text back.

"I did horrible...."

"What the fuck, no!!"

"I watched the play back and cried... I messed up at the end. I was supposed to sing with them and I didn't. Chan said it was okay but.... I messed it up!!"

"I didn't even notice a mess up honestly. I thought it was amazing. Everything about it was so great. It felt like a warm blanket wrapping me up and comforting me."

"I don't know.... Ugh. It was horrible."

"Well, I'd kill to hear more of Felix singing because it's one of my absolute favorite things. Especially in English because the tone is deeper and just, amazing."

"I guess.... You still don't think I'm me, do you?"

"Oh... Well... Think of it this way. Imagine you're just a normal person, not really many friends, and your biggest idol, Ryan Reynolds, messages you out of nowhere on an unofficial account. Would you immediately believe that you were talking to him?"

".... I guess not.... I gotta go because we're leaving and everything now. You should go to bed since it's super late there. It's like 8am isn't it?"

"Yeah LMAO. Not too bad."


"Goodnight! Sleep well when you do."

I felt like I upset him. I can't help it! I can't just... Trust someone like that? I'm a little gullible but not THAAAAT gullible.

I replayed the song, yawning and falling asleep to it.

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